Glace Bay Miners Museum

Welcome to theCape Breton Miners’ Museum

Situated on one of the most picturesque coasts of Cape Breton Island, on  a 15-acre site filled with wild roses and grasses, the Cape Breton Miners Museum pays tribute to the region’s long and rich history of coal mining. It  is home to profound stories of miners and their families, and the resource that helped build a nation. The Museum is also home to the famous choir of miners – The Men of the Deeps. Plan a visit to the Museum where you can join a retired mine guide for an underground mine tour, browse the modern exhibits and stroll through our historic village. Complete your visit with a delicious home cooked meal at the Miners Village Restaurant.

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Rich history of coal mining. Profound stories of miners. The resource that helped build a nation. Home to the famous Men of the Deeps.
A&E Type Museums, Heritage, Libraries Directory Museums, Heritage, Libraries


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