goCapeBreton.com Donates $500 to Community Cares Youth Outreach

Richard Lorway, President of goCapeBreton.com and lokol, presented a $500 donation today to Eric Leviten-Reid, Chair of the Board of Community Cares Youth Outreach, an organization that provides youth outreach services in Sydney Mines, NS. 

"We are truly grateful for the support of goCapeBreton.com and its members," said Leviten-Reid. "Not only will this donation help us financially, but will also provide a great boost of energy to our team of volunteers that work so hard to meet the needs of at-risk youth in Sydney Mines." 

Community Cares Youth Outreach was chosen to be the first recipient of the goCapeBreton.com Donation Fund by the members of goCapeBreton.com in an online voting process. Membership is free and anyone can join and vote one time for a local cause.

The Donation Fund is a pilot project created by the goCapeBreton.com team to encourage people to visit and engage with local stories on the website. Every time anyone ADDS a post to goCapeBreton.com or LIKES, DISLIKES, or COMMENTS on a post, goCapeBreton.com adds money to the Donation Fund. When the Donation Fund reaches $500, the money is awarded to the local cause that has the most votes from the list of causes shown here. Once the money is awarded, the Donation Fund resets back to $0 and starts growing again. Causes that do not win the money keep their LIKES, giving them a greater chance at winning the next $500 donation.

Lorway said, "We are really happy to be helping an organization that is doing great work with youth in our community. We are looking forward to contributing to another charity again when the new fund reaches $500."  

For more information on Community Cares Youth Outreach, visit CommunityCares.ca

For more information on the goCapeBreton.com's Donation Fund and how you can participate, click here.

You can monitor the amount of money accumulating in the Donation Fund by viewing the ticker at the top of the website (under the black tab menu).

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Community Cares Youth Outreach in Sydney Mines, NS is the first recipient of goCapeBreton.com's Donation Fund Program.
Location CBRM Sydney Mines Nonprofit Donation Fund Nonprofit News and Information Charities


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