
Good Food Review - Cape Breton

Listen to the CBC Radio Interview

A lot of things stay the same in Cape Breton. But, happily, we have seen a lot of changes in food selection. Both at the grocery stores and the variety of local restaurants and food trucks that we now have to choose from.

Good food selection makes life better. Yum!

I think it's time we do more sharing about our local choices, so I'm going to get it started by posting about local food here on goCapeBreton.com, and I hope you will join in by commenting or posting your own reviews.

To be clear, I have no ambition to be a food critic. And, I certainly don't want to be a food snob. I just like good food and want to tell people about it, so we can all support our local restaurants, food trucks, and eateries.

With this in mind, I am only going to share GOOD food stories ... that's why I call this the Good Food Review. If I don't try something, or I do try something and do not like it, I will not write about it. I don't want to share negative food experiences, only good ones. But, if you are the owner of an eatery, upon request, I will share my full and honest experience with you, privately, because I want you to succeed in Cape Breton!  (You can also post your menu and other info like this.)

What do I look for in the food?

There are four things that I look for when I eat a meal:

  1. Cleanliness
    Must be clean. Period. If you have ever watched some of the food shows where they fix failed eateries, you know what I mean!

  2. Ingredients
    Fresh is best. Nuff said.

  3. Seasoning
    Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey was once asked what reveals to him if someone will become a good chef or not, and his answer was how well seasoned the food is. Seasoning means getting the right balance of salt, herbs, and spices. Not too weak, not too strong. Everyone has their own preferences, but a good cook will perfectly enhance the flavour of the ingredients with the right seasoning.

  4. Cooking Method
    How the food is cooked. Is it overcooked, undercooked, soggy, or too crispy, etc. Was the cook going through the motions or taking care to get it right.

It's all about love!

When I eat a meal that has all of the above right, I like to say that there was love in the food. If you love cooking the food, you will be clean, use good ingredients, season well, and cook carefully. If you cook food, you know this to be true. When you rush or are distracted, your meal will reveal it. When you pay attention, your love will come through.

Am I qualified to do food reviews?

Well, let's see ....

  • I do eat food, frequently.
  • I do have taste buds.
  • I do write in the English language.

So far, if you are reading this, you probably qualify too, so why not post your own reviews!? Here's how

Some other possible qualifications:

  • I really like food. In fact, I often like eating alone so I can focus on the taste of the food (is that weird?)
  • I like to cook and I read about cooking and the science of cooking (yup, cooking is chemistry that you get to eat).
  • I grew up in the back of a small restaurant that my parents owned and ran for 25 years, so I've seen a lot of meals served and how the sausage is made.
  • I am part of the Greek culture where much of daily life centers around food (and encouraging other people to eat).

Some quirks:

  • I have traveled quite a bit and eaten at a variety of places.
  • My favourite restaurant is a food court. I'm not kidding - I love the selection, variety, affordability, and quick service.  What's not to like about a food court?
  • Most restaurateurs will tell you that dining is more than the food, it is about the entire experience. That may be true, but I really only care about the food.
  • I'm not adventurous when it comes to what I eat. No bugs, or flowers, or hot sauce on everything.
  • I don't know anything about calories or preservatives or food groups. I'm just going to focus on if there is love in the food.

So, there you have it.  I hope you will read along and participate and support our local eateries (including the franchises and fast food places, too).  Find the reviews under LIVING > FOOD > Restaurant Reviews

One request:  Please don't be mean!  Remember that the livelihoods of many local people depend on the success of an eatery. If you don't like something, be kind about how you deliver and share the news.

Mathew Georghiou

Listen to the CBC Radio Interview
Find the food reviews under
LIVING > FOOD > Restaurant Reviews

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Susan Whitaker Follow Me
I'm with you Mathew I too just want good food. The two that have been serving excellent culinary delights that I have frequented on the Northside are the Black Spoon and Lobster Pound. Excellent food and worth a visit.
Bob Inglis Follow Me
Thanks Matthew, I as well like good food well prepared and with flavor. I have had the most wonderful experiences with local eateries which easily rival the larger centers for food quality. These eateries will only thrive if we keep supporting them so make a habit of going out for a nice meal with friends and or family and don't complain about nothing to do . The food and arts community are alive but only if we support them .
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Thanks to the team at CBC Radio Information Morning for having me on to discuss the Good Food Review. I've added the link to the radio interview above.
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
The first Good Food Review is now posted here ... NAPOLI PIZZERIA ... https://capebreton.lokol.me/good-food-review---napoli-pizza
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
The second Good Food Review is now posted ... THE LITTLE ROLLIN BISTRO https://capebreton.lokol.me/good-food-review---the-little-rollin-bistro-food-truck

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