2015-09-26 11:08 PM ADT Mathew Georghiou Commented on: The CAMPAIGN Trail - PHARMACARE: The Opinion of a Family Doctor It is shameful that people in a prosperous country like Canada have to struggle to afford healthcare. Our waiting periods are already far too long and then to have drug costs be unafford... SUMMARY
2015-09-26 10:29 AM ADT Mathew Georghiou Commented on: The CAMPAIGN TRAIL Great to hear ... thanks for replying! SUMMARY
2015-09-26 6:19 AM ADT Monika Dutt Commented on: The CAMPAIGN TRAIL Hi Mathew! Yes, I am writing all of these blog posts myself. I love to write and I wanted to communicate more thoughtfully without filters/edits/screening. I'm glad that you find the post... SUMMARY