Grand Narrows Waterfront Resident & Visitor Feedback Survey

The Grand Narrows Waterfront Society was incorporated 24 years ago as not-for profit community organization with a mandate to preserve and manage the land and infrastructure of the former ferry terminal at Grand Narrows for public usage.

Over the years the location has become a great summer destination. The show piece of the site is the community operated Wheelhouse Cafe.

We want to hear from YOU!

💬 Help us make Grand Narrows even better by sharing your thoughts in our quick 3–5 minute feedback survey.
Your input will help improve our destination and services, including the Wheelhouse Café. Responses are anonymous!

👉 Take the survey here:

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Grand Narrows Waterfront and Wheelhouse Cafe have prepared a survey to aid in planning for the 2025 season and to help with forward looking planning.
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Randy Pointkoski My Post Follow Me
WOW – GNWDS has received 120+ responses to the survey. Very impressive. These responses included 430+ individual and unique comments worthy of consideration. Many comments are very supportive and are aligned with our historical approach to the operations of this wonderful destination. Some comments are critical of approach and operations. Collectively, the survey provides valuable insights to opportunities for improvement and enhancement. It is noted that the responding public sets a high bar of expectations for the GNWDS volunteer management and its staff and the site itself. It is a big job just to listen to the feedback and absorb. It is even a bigger job to act on some of the recommendations. We need more volunteers support to advance the cause and act responsibly to the feedback we have obtained. Please reach out if you can help GNWDS with this noble mission.
Randy Pointkoski My Post Follow Me
2025 is going to be an exciting time for teh Wheelhouse Cafe. If you happen to be around on Sunday please consider attending our GNWDS planning meeting at Iona Legion. We are encouraging new people to attend. This is all very good. Below is the agenda for Sunday's meeting at the Grandona Legion at 10-11am. 1. Review of the Grand Narrows Survey 2. Review of Events 3. Schedule for Winter Meetings 4. Review Operations Timeline (January to August) 5. 2025 Summer Opening & Timeline 6. Set Up Committees to Establish Objectives and Timeline for 2025 See you in a few days!
Mike Johnson Follow Me
The Grand Narrows, Iona and Barra Strait area is one of the prettiest in Cape Breton and can't be beat for a family beach & recreation day, a visit by land or water, and the ambiance of the Wheelhouse for lunch, Happy Hour or a sunset meal. You need to bring your own towels and water noodles :), but showers, washrooms, laundry & docking facilities are available for everyone.

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