Great Northend Yard Sale & Art Market RESCHEDULED: JUNE 20th 9am

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The Great Northend Yard Sale is back! Please note the date has changed to Saturday, June 20th, from 9:00am to 11:00am! Feel free to roam the streets of Sydney's north end and find over 24 yard sales! Visit the event's Facebook page for a map of all of the sales.

If you:
* would like to get your yard sale on the famous map, or...
* have stuff you would like to sell and would like to borrow someone's yard, or... 
* are willing to let someone have a yard sale in your yard...
email [email protected], or call 902-270-6013

If you would like to sell your art, tables will be set up on the lawn of the New Dawn Centre for Social Innovation.
If you would like a table email [email protected], or call 902-270-6013. First come first served on the tables!

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24 yard sales in Sydney's Northend on Saturday, June 13th. Visit the Facebook page for the map of yard sales!
Events Flea Markets, Yard Sales


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Rory Andrews Follow Me
Did you get rained out last Saturday?
Kelly Krawchuk My Post Follow Me
I believe the date was changed so it wouldn't conflict with the Fiddler's Youth Run. The forecast for this Saturday has been back and forth all week, but fingers crossed for a dry morning! If it looks like its going to rain, the call will be made early Saturday morning to switch to a new date again. Keep an eye on the Facebook event page for an update on Saturday morning!

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