Group Launches Website To Promote New Inverness Airport

Recent news of possible upcoming federal government investment for a new Inverness airport resulted in some strong opposition. Now a "group of individuals and businesses" launched the website to boost public support for the project.

Municipal leaders including Port Hawkesbury mayor Brenda Chisholm-Beaton and Guysborough warden Vernon Pitts oppose the development, suggesting that it could negatively impact the existing Allan J. MacEachen Port Hawkesbury Airport.

The website includes testimonials from several noteworthy proponents and has a form requesting people to register to show their support for what they refer to as the Cape Breton Island Airport.

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Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
This website Build Cape Breton has almost no information. I am curious to learn why the politicians who support this project do. Perhaps they should add a section where you can ask questions about the airport idea on the website? As it sits now, the only option readers are given is to sign up to show their support. Most of us want more tourists to visit this beautiful island but what evidence is there that an airport in Inverness would accomplish this? We all want more tourists
Joe Ward Follow Me
I'd like to hear a more detailed business plan with fewer abstracts and more specifics from the perspective of the proponents. For instance, new golf courses and a large-scale affluent condo development that would rapidly expand the tax base would enhance the argument for an additional airport when the other is so close in proximity (an hour-long scenic coastal route by car). One question I that came up for me is: Is the course not fully booked all summer already? Have we actually been struggling to keep a world-class course booked solid? It might be time to have a look at land transactions that have been occurring in the area. ;)
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
I am not sure that a large-scale condo development would help Inverness. But those who are for this should make the case. I’d like to see some creative thinking around ecotourism, like maybe running electrically powered double-decker buses from the Sydney airport to to the golf course, with box lunches at beautiful beach on the way/local music to introduce more of the island to visitors. Maybe a cool reasonably price space for hikers to call home for a week or so? A commercial airport in Inverness? On an island where most tourists come by car? An idea that needs a supporting argument. :)
Joe Ward Follow Me
I'm thinking in terms of what would be necessary to sustain a high volume of flight activity, and certainly tax base growth. It feels like there would have to be some additional development of scale for scheduled flights to be sustainable. Of course, by bureaucratic standards, who is making the pitch may sometimes tend to be more important than the strength of the business case. ;) The electric bus idea is really great, though not everyone is going to want the tour bus experience. But the more we see more great ideas like that emerge, the stronger our tourism experience becomes, absolutely no doubt there. AirBNB's are excellent options for those on a budget who want to spend a bit more time exploring. We do about a 2 to 1 ratio on arrival by car vs air overall. It's close to 1 to 1 for American visitors and all air for overseas arrivals (of course).

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