Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Disability inclusion is about creating communities, spaces, services, and supports that allow everyone to fully and equally participate in society, that's what we are setting out to do with the creation of the Hawks Dream Field. Our mission, "Provide an accessible destination to encourage people of all ages with abilities and disabilities to partake in outdoor activities."

Together, we can build better, you can assist building one of North America's first 100% accessible, Rick Hansen certified, multi-sport fields. Check out our online shop at https://www.hawksdreamfield.ca/shop. We also are selling tickets in support of Special Olympics - Cape Breton. Once the field is built, we hope to host many Special Olympic events. You can also etransfer your ticket orders to [email protected].

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said, “On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we honour all Canadians with visible and non-visible disabilities who continue to break down stigma and stereotypes to help us create a more accessible and disability-inclusive society. Today, we also reaffirm our commitment to build a Canada where no one is left behind.

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Living Living With Disability


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