Harbourview Montessori School

Our mission
is to inspire a passion for excellence,
to promote exploration and innovation
and to ignite a love of learning.

We begin with a deep respect for the child as a unique individual. We work from a deep concern for his or her social and emotional development because there is far more to education than mastering facts.

Harbourview Montessori School is a warm and supportive community of students, teachers and parents. You will not get lost in the crowd here!

We consciously teach our students to be kind, generous and peaceful. We include this in our daily routines.


Harbourview Montessori School
290 Murphy Road
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Canada B1R 1W8

Phone (902) 539-8884
Fax (902) 539-8884
E-mail [email protected]

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Directory Education, Training, Schools Elementary Schools Location CBRM Westmount School Type Private


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