HAT Announces Digital Release of Hannah Moscovitch Thriller

PHOTO CREDIT: Chris Walzak

Nova Scotia’s most recent lockdown called for a pause on all upcoming theatre plans at Sydney’s Highland Arts Theatre. While there is significant promise of a theatrically full summer, the HAT has something special planned to hold over any theatre lovers near and far until productions can resume.

Enter Hannah Moscovitch’s Little OneA chilling psychological thriller of a play that recounts and untangles the dark childhood of Claire and Aaron, adopted siblings growing up in Ottawa. The HAT originally produced the show in the fall of 2020 with a record 32 *sold-out* performances, all taking place inside and all over a haunted house in Whitney Pier. That same production was filmed in that same house and has now been edited by the show’s director Alison Crosby for a special limited time only digital release.

The digital stream will be available on the theatre’s Facebook page and YouTube channel starting June 12th at 7:00PM AST until June 21st at midnight. The digital release also features remastered and reengineered sound design by Jordan Palmer and bone chilling performances from Bhreagh MacNeil and Tayves Fiddis. Outside of their time on the HAT stage through the years, people may recognize Fiddis from the Toronto theatre scene, or MacNeil from Ashley McKenzie’s film Werewolf which premiered at Toronto International Film Festival in 2016.

The release is part of the theatre’s Radical Access campaign and is available free of charge to anyone globally with access to an internet connection.

For more information on how to support the theatre and the Radical Access program, inquiring minds can visit www.highlandartstheatre.com

Watch the trailer

Highland Arts Theatre

40 Bentinck Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1X7


[email protected]

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LITTLE ONE will be streaming on the HAT's Facebook page from June 12th to 21st free of charge.
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