HAT Announces $10,000 Playwriting Award In Honour of Rita Joe

The Highland Arts Theatre is launching a brand new initiative to encourage and support the legacy of Canadian BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Colour) writers and playwrights: The Rita Joe Canadian Playwriting Award, named after one of Cape Breton’s most esteemed poets.

With submissions now open, BIPOC writers and playwrights from across Canada are encouraged to submit their play proposals in hopes of being selected as the recipient of the award. The winner will be presented with a $10,000 commission for the writing of a new play or musical, as well as additional dramaturgical and workshop support from the Highland Arts Theatre as part of their 2021 Playwrights Unit.

The idea of the award was first brought forward as part of the HAT’s Radical Access fundraising campaign in the summer of 2020. The fundraiser was successful, thanks to overwhelming community support, and the commitment was cemented. All prizes and programming have been made possible through this program, funded by the donations of thousands of supporters from across North America.

The theatre’s executive and artistic director, Wesley J. Colford, had this to say regarding the choice of the name for the award, “Rita Joe was a national treasure who is often referred to as the “poet laureate of the Mi’kmaw”. She grew up right here in Cape Breton and went on to impact the world through her powerful writing. We seek to honour her memory through this award with the hopes that she can help inspire the next generation of Canadian writers and playwrights from the BIPOC community.”

Rita Joe’s daughter, Ann Joe, gave the project her blessing saying, “I’m very happy to have this award named after my mom. It means a lot to have her memory remembered and celebrated and that she can continue to encourage people to write.”

The deadline to submit is March 15th at midnight, after which the winner will be chosen by a jury consisting of Wesley J. Colford, Robyn Lee Seale (The HAT’s Tell Your Story Project Coordinator), and Marcia Johnson (Canadian Actor and Playwright).


Production Media Reference: Wesley J. Colford

Phone: (902) 565-5970

Email: [email protected]

Highland Arts Theatre

40 Bentinck Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1G2


[email protected]

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