HAT Honours Legacy of WW1 Vet BILLY BISHOP With November Show

During this month of Remembrance, the Highland Arts Theatre’s new show pays homage to the legendary Canadian Pilot, Billy Bishop

Billy Bishop Goes to War is an ambitious musical from John Gray and Eric Peterson (of Corner Gas and Street Legal fame). After a successful first week of performances the theatre has just announced an extension of the run, continuing through this week until November 20th.

And thanks to the success of the HAT’s community forward Radical Access program, every show is FREE OF CHARGE.

“This show is exactly what Radical Access was designed for: A Canadian show, written by renowned Canadian creators, celebrating the country’s history, made famous around the world. Now we get to present this tentpole of Canadian musical theatre to our beautiful community without the burden of financial barriers,” said Wesley J. Colford, Executive and Artistic Director of the HAT.

The HAT will also be providing a free live-stream of the show on their Facebook and YouTube pages this Thursday, November 12th (8:00PM AST). On the subject Colford added, “Not only are the live-streams perfect for anyone who isn’t ready to return to group gatherings, we’ve garnered a consistent audience across North America. From Ontario, to B.C., to Houston, to California, these performances have given us the opportunity to put Cape Breton performers and artists in front of a broader audience without crossing the causeway.”

The show stars Mark Delaney and Chuck Homewood and is directed by prolific Cape Breton director Ron Jenkins. Delaney, a Glace Bay native who went to theatre school in Montreal, embodies the iconic pilot and a whole host of characters to the beautiful score performed and supported by Homewood’s piano and occasional vocals.

The show goes on every Tuesday to Sunday at 8:00PM, with an additional matinee Sundays at 2:00PM. With 14 sold-out shows already, these newly added performances are expected to fill up quickly and audiences are encouraged to book soon.

Admission is free of charge and can be booked at www.highlandartstheatre.com or by calling the HAT’s box office at (902) 565-3637, Monday to Friday, noon to 6:00pm. 


Highland Arts Theatre

40 Bentinck Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1G2

T: 902.565.3637

E: [email protected]

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