HAT Young Company Accepting Applications

Summer will soon be upon us! As part of our Radical Access pledge goals from 2020, we are committed to creating a Summer 2021 Young Company of Nova Scotian performers, creators, and technicians to help run our summer programs and gain valuable professional experience.

Successful applicants will be hired for 8-14 weeks with varying responsibilities including performance/production opportunities, assisting with HAT Academy summer classes, assisting with our Radical Access Year Two fundraising campaign, and more! Work placements will be personalized for each participant, pairing them with organizational leaders best matched to provide meaningful experience and training as well as specified projects and programs designed for the entire company in a number of performance/production settings.

All summer programming is currently in process of confirmation, pending Nova Scotian restrictions on gathering limits.

Applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 30 and must have held permanent residence in Nova Scotia for the past year or be originally from Nova Scotia, living elsewhere for educational purposes. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or returning, full-time students at a Nova Scotian post-secondary institute. Successful applicants from outside of Cape Breton will be responsible for their own accommodations. Wages will be $12.95/hour for 35 hours a week plus vacation pay of 4%.

Priority will be given to students studying theatre performance, design, tech, or production however applicants with equivalent training or experience are strongly encouraged to apply.


Please fill out the following application form:

Additionally, please send a short video introducing yourself and your background, experience, and interests (we are looking for performers, but also creators, designers, technicians, stage managers… If you have an interest in theatre, we want to hear from you.)
In the same video, please include a sample of your work, as appropriate. For performers, a monologue, song, or dance would be possible examples. For designers, a sketch, concept, or production photos. Non-performance-based submissions are encouraged to discuss their work.
Videos need not be professional quality and should be no longer than five minutes.
Please upload to Youtube or equivalent streaming platform and send link to: [email protected] with a headshot or recent photo and short cover letter. A theatrical resumé or summary of experience is also encouraged.
Applicants may be asked to send additional support material and short-listed applicants will be asked to interview.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Saturday, April 10th at Midnight (ADT)

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The HAT is creating a Summer 2021 Young Company of Nova Scotian performers, creators, and technicians.
A&E Theatre & Dance


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