Heat in a Click & IQ TENS Stimulator

Heat in a Click products are instantaneous, portable and reusable heating pads. At a click of a button, the pad will reach 54c (130f) degrees. The content of the products is non-toxic, comprising of Sodium Acetate, a salt based solution and water. Safe around children and pets.
By flexing the small metal disc inside the pad, a molecular reaction is started causing the solution to crystallize.
During the reaction (changing its state of aggregation from liquid to crystal form), energy is released in the form of heat.
The heating process can be re-initiated by boiling and the pack re-used again and again. Also can be put in the freezer and used as a cold pack.
All Heat in a Click products are environmental friendly, recyclable and unless damaged, can be used indefinitely.

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New Heat in a Click Warming Pads and IQ TENS Machines. Both for drug free relief of pain from stress, injury and illness.
Directory Shopping, Retail Health, Bath, Beauty Location CBRM Sydney


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