Hello Cape Breton Kwe Unamaki Multicultural Festival

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Cape Breton Island Centre for Immigration is excited to host our annual celebration of culture and community, Hello Cape Breton | Kwe' Unama'ki! Hello Cape Breton | Kwe' Unama'ki is a FREE community event that celebrates Cape Breton Island’s rich cultural diversity. It presents the opportunity to learn more about fellow citizen’s countries of origin and culture. This year Hello Cape Breton | Kwe' Unama'ki will take place at the Port of Sydney. Join us on November 2nd from 12pm-5pm for an unforgettable day filled with performances, art, music and food

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Join us on November 2nd from 12pm-5pm for an unforgettable day filled with performances, art, music and food
Events Concerts, Music, Theatre


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