
Help bring the 2018 Scotties Tournament of Hearts to Sydney

Yes, you too can help bring the 2018 Scotties to Sydney!


A local committee is currently preparing a bid to bring the 2018 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Women's Curling Championship to Centre 200 in Sydney, NS.

The bid is being supported by the four Cape Breton Island curling clubs: the Baddeck Curling Club,  the Schooner Curling Club,  the Strait Area Curling Club,  and the Sydney Curling Club.


You can help strengthen the bid by making a $100 deposit on a week-long event pass. If the bid is unsuccessful, your money will be returned. 


The more community support we have, the stronger our bid will be!


Please share! https://sydneyscotties2018.com/

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Put down a $100 deposit on a week-long pass by the end of June to send the message that Cape Breton wants the Scotties.
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