HELP SUPORT THOSE IN NEED...and perhaps...WIN BIG otherwise too!

Our club…The Kiwanis Club of Cape Breton Golden K… has 40 years of experience supporting youth and vulnerable adults in our community. Our donations of support have been consistently strong and well-known throughout that time. As need and community population increase yearly, so does our goal to assist those in need. In addition to our 40 year project of TV Bingo on Wednesday evenings (which raises funds always given back to community) we have initiated a Raffle Box draw. Only in its second week right now we are looking forward to ticket buyer numbers and therefore prize money available to be won…to increase steadily. We sell the tickets online as happens in all Raffle Box draws and the winner…selected by random generator, is chosen at 4 pm EVERY THURSDAY on site at our club 54 Westmount Road, Sydney River. Please consider helping us increase our sales by SHARING our draw with ANY family or other friends you have who may like to take part. It really does TAKE A VILLAGE to make anything worthwhile…a success.

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Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Our Rafflebox draw is only in its third week as of September 13th so stay tuned to our support increase... by those who purchase tickets TO SUPPORT YOUTH AND VULNERABLE ADULTS in OUR COMMUNITY. The SMALLEST PURCHASE ( donation) may indeed be...THE BIGGEST WIN.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Where else can you support youth in your community weekly for as little as $5? Join us in our effort to help those in need in OUR community with our Cape Breton Golden K RAFFLEBOX draw. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS…and YOU could be the 50/50 winner at any time. Let’s DO THIS THING together.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
On behalf of the entire 36 member Cape Breton Golden K Club, thank you for any donation to our Raffle Box initiative that you HAVE MADE or CAN MAKE.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
There's not many places where support for youth and vulnerable adults in our time...or once a week...can be made for as little as $5.00. Our club's newest endeavor to support those in need in our community is our Raffle Box weekly draw. Many of you buy tickets for other organizations with prizes in the thousands and we understand that. They've been at a rule... for a MUCH longer time. We are only in our third week and we WILL INCREASE our potential wins for supporters... but for now...we ask for...and appreciate...your support in OUR Raffle Box weekly draws as we grow into this. If there is such a thing as a BIG certainly is the one that comes from the heart...most of all.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
TODAY IS DRAW DAY! As we finish our third week with our Rafflebox draw and as the draw time approaches ( 2 1/2 hours from this post) we have $330 on the FUNDS RAISED THIS WEEK. We know those of you, who know the NEED in our local community... will continue to share our newest endeavor to assist youth and vulnerable adults in our area and that when you can, you will support us by buying a ticket. Remember that 50% of the money raised each time WILL GO BACK TO COMMUNITY and 100% of the pride our Golden K Club has in adding this initiative to our extensive list of ways to help others in need... comes down to us BEING Cape Bretoners. There IS no bigger WIN!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Our club membership is small...36 right now...COMPARED TO SOME OTHER service clubs... but it's growing significantly the past 3 years... since Covid took its toll on us...on everyone. We are DEDICATED TO and SOLEY SERVE youth and vulnerable adults and we appreciate all support of our new fund raising endeavor...the Raffle Box draw. Just three weeks in...we may not match the monetary win of other Raffle Box Draws but we certainly match the heartstring hope of any group trying to support those in their community. Find us on under Non Profits or a direct link Thank you for any support you give WE give to our community. Last week's winner: Linda Davis of Coxheath. Let's get YOUR NAME on that 50/50 winner's list next week. CHECK US OUT PLEASE!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Thanks to EACH AND EVERY person who bought ANY number of tickets In ANY of our Cape Breton Golden K Raffle Box draws in support of those in need in our community. In our club…our hearts are ALWAYS FULL as we volunteer in our community… but even moreso when OUR SUPPORT…is supported so generously.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
September 22 Firstly...happy autumnal equinox 2024 to everyone and also, thanks for any support you may give to our Raffle Box draw now in its fourth week. The Kiwanis Club of Cape Breton is filled with members who are long time community volunteers but we are, admittedly, new at this funds raising venture. We hope you'll spread the word to anyone you think would like to donate to youth and vulnerable adults in our community via this effort. PEOPLE YOU KNOW may not have heard about it so kudos to those of you who are WITH US IN THIS and SHARE!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
This week our Raffle Box Draw is up to $145.00 as of this post...early Wednesday, Sept.25th. Some may's not very much money compared to other Raffle Box Draws and that may be true BUT... Our thinking is that every dollar spent on THESE Raffle Box tickets MAY bring a win to you as a purchaser but will bring a win to someone... and WILL BRING A WIN to youth in need and vulnerable adults in our area because OUR CLUB'S 50% goes back into OUR community. Thank you for assisting us with ANY AMOUNT you can... after all... a SINGLE TICKET will be the winner.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Congratulations to our Rafflebox winner this week...Darren Leblanc of Sydney. His 50% of funds brought in to help us support our youth in local communities is $ 107.50 Thank you to ALL THOSE WHO PURCHASED TICKETS...for being there for us this week.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Here are the winners from our previous raffles. 09-05-24 Nancy Bonnell - $330 09-12-24 Kathy Hartigan - $190 09-19-24 Linda Davis - $175 09-27-24 Daren LeBlanc - $107 A winner is drawn by RaffleBox every Thursday at 4:00pm AST Help us continue to support programs like: • Salvation Army Kettles • Loaves & Fishes • Atlantic Burn Camp • Cape Breton Regional Hospital • Every Woman’s Center • University/College Scholarships …and many many more!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
As of Tuesday morning our draw shows $230...let's see how we can CRANK THAT UP with 2 days and 7 hours left ( as of this post) before the draw. WE APPRECIATE ANY SUPPORT you give to this endeavor to raise funds to aid youth and vulnerable adults in our area.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
The Kiwanis Club of Cape Breton Golden K...which is made up of retirees who volunteer because they want to pay back to community after retirement. Our Raffle Box Draw now in its 6th week is not showing a huge amount of money for the 50/50 split at this point. We KNOW full well how many other DRAWS there are with a HUGE possible win but...regardless...we thank those of you who HAVE supported us and please know we will continue to hope for more supporters so that more youth and vulnerable adults in OUR coverage area...will also see their support system grow.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
As of Tuesday October 8th our ticket purchases for our RaffleBox Draw total 11. The amount of money raised is $185 which will be split 50/50 between the person who's name is randomly drawn by Raffle Box, and the club seeking to add more funds to the amount we can spend.helping our community. PLEASE CONSIDER supporting our initiative if even once. TRUST ME we know full well that donations to charities and NON PROFIT organizations are important to some of you and have options to donate and have a much BIGGER 50% win than our club offers AS YET...We are definitely going to continue as long as we can in EVERY project we have going...thank you more than is those who have already shown their support to our Raffle Box draw. Have an amazing day!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
HEY EVERYONE...tomorrow, OCTOBER 10th 8 members of our club will head to LOAVES AND FISHES here in Sydney from 8:30- 12:00 helping to prepare...serve...and clean up after the meal to patrons there. We do this SEVERAL times a year and also donate $1000.00 each time...IF WE HAVE THE FUNDS AVAILABLE! Please consider purchasing at least one ticket to our RAFFLE BOX DRAW this week. The draw is Thursday at 4pm... your purchase will allow you to know that YOU have helped dissipate the need in YOUR COMMUNITY. REMEMBER...ALL FUNDS WE RAISE GO BACK TO COMMUNITY!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Heading to Loaves and Fishes in Sydney for an 8:30 "call to arms." We have 8 members signed on for the 2 1/2 hour shift helping prep,serve and clean up after a delicious meal for patrons. It renders the heart to give hands on AND monetary support to those in need. We are able to do this and other GIVE BACK TO COMMUNITY endeavors because of people LIKE YOU giving us YOUR SUPPORT. Our Raffle Box draw takes place at 4pm today. If you want to support us in our pledge to support other, please consider checking us out at
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
After our most recent Raffle Box prize draw...I have to say… that as a long-time and very active member of the PR Committee of the Cape Breton Golden K… I came to a realization... OUR WEEKLY TICKET PURCHASE TOTALS (though in all honesty… not as many as we initially hoped for in the Raffle Box project’s beginning)… are DEFINITELY an assurance that our supporters know FULL WE ALWAYS HAVE… that even the smallest bill of all…five dollars can help make a difference in someone else’s life. Thanks BEYOND WORDS for continuing to take a chance on us and what we do for our community..
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Today's POST is not specifically about RaffleBox, though through that initiative we collect funds to donate to our community. Today...On behalf of all 37 members of the Cape Breton Golden K... a group that knows only too well that NEED is greater in our community than the resources we have to delete it... Today and this LONG weekend when giving thanks is supposed to be what it's all about... I'd like to GIVE BIG THANKS to those of you who ALSO volunteer in our community to PAY IT FORWARD and to PAY IT BACK. Together we can at least make a DENT in the incredible and increasing need. Thank you for Caring.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
ALONG WITH our Raffle Box Draws our TV BINGO money raised goes back to community as it has done for 40 years. DRUM ROLL PLEASE! This just in from our Bingo committee chair... THIS WEEK the JACKPOT will equal the LARGEST JACKPOT that has ever been won on Golden K TV Bingo and we've had some doozies. It will be a $5,800 win if your number is drawn. read it right! Will somebody TIE THE RECORD for the biggest ever win...or will we have a NEW RECORD SET? Either way ITS EXCITING! The Loonie Pot is steadily growing. It is now $8,200. GET YOUR BINGO CARDS AND YOUR DOBBERS READY for this week's game Wednesday evening, October 16th at 7pm on Eastlink channel 10 locally. Eastlink is the ONLY place to play our games right now so invite your friends who may not have their channels to COME AND JOIN YOU if you DO have Eastlink. GREAT LUCK TO ALL and THANK YOU for playing.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
In addition to our Raffle Box draws to raise money for those we support...our BINGO games, played from home...bring in funds we donate as well. THIS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th...a VERY LARGE win COULD BE YOURS at $5 800. If it doesn't go this time...NEXT WEEK, it will increase and therefore be...the biggest potential win for you EVER in our Wednesday evening Bingo games on Eastlink channel 10 locally ONLY 6-7pm. Come on everyone...become a part of our club's history either way. GET YOUR KGK BINGO CARDS NOW! KIWANIS OF CAPE BRETON GOLDEN K/EASTLINK TV BINGO CARD OUTLETS: WHITNEY PIER Broadway Convenience, P.J. Convenience, Pier Pharmasave, Pier Needs Store, Canadian Tire Gas SYDNEY Welton Street Mini Mart, Terrace Street Convenience, Big Ben's, Ashby Esso, Needs Fast Fuel, Griffin Smoke Shop (Sobey's) Prince St, Jouves Convenience, Pharmasave Charlotte St., Needs at Wentworth Park, Mac's Convenience, Needs George St., Needs Alexandra St., Wilson’s Gas in Membertou SYDNEY RIVER/COXHEATH/HOWIE CENTER Needs Coxheath, Walmart Lotto Sydney River, Griffin's Smoke Shop (Sobeys)Syd River, Sydney River Petrocan, Howie Center Irving, Pharmasave Howie Centre, Needs Quick Mart Howie Centre, Martin’s Convenience Westmount NORTH SYDNEY North Sydney Irving and Convenience, Brewers Main Street Dairy, Pierce Street Dairy, Needs King Street SYDNEY MINES/BRAS D’OR Bras D’Or Convenience, Bras D’Or Petrocan, Bras D'Or Esso, Needs in Sydney Mines, Esso Convenience, Station Dairy.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
IT'S DRAW DAY...4PM. Good luck to EVERYONE who purchased tickets this week. As of this post you have 7 hours and 15 minutes left...
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Last night at the annual general meeting of our Cape Breton Golden K Club we were reminded of OUR major contribution of money to our local community in the past year alone. It totaled over $90 000. To assist US in our continued monetary support to OUR/YOUR youth and vulnerable adults.. we again ask you to consider purchasing even one our weekly Raffle Box draw. $5 may sound like a mere DROP IN THE BUCKET but it may be JUST THE DROP that fills the bucket. THANK YOU If you read this and want to make any comment at all...please do.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
With 22 hours left before our weekly RaffleBox draw...our total stands at $175. Admittedly our VERY active VOLUNTEER group of 37 RETIREES, who support youth and vulnerable adults in your area hope that you will consider even a $5 donation that may be a stettpig stone to others doing the same thing. Regardless...we hope you will SHARE any posts you read/receive about our club, this weekly draw or our long-time Wednesday evening TV Bingo that our clubs available funds each week, can make an impact on the desperately high level of need in our community. Thank you so much.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Because EACH YEAR our club a rule... 90+ thousand dollars to community and 600+ hands on support hours, we're hoping that before 4pm today...and every Thursday which is draw day, you will consider supporting our Raffle Box Draw ANY funds from which, GO BACK TO COMMUNITY. Even one ticket at $5 may seem like JUST A DENT...and not important...its HUGELY important and helpful TO US. Thanks to those who SHARE this draw info with their friends to those who have purchased any tickets any week and tho those who say today... I will do this and support MY COMMUNITY. Thank you on behalf of all 37 members/volunteers.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
We're into another week of our Raffle Box Draw to support YOUTH AND VULNERABLE ADULTS in your community. We're building faster so far this week which is VERY NICE to see. The Cape Breton Golden K is WELL AWARE of the need here locally because of our commitment to volunteering since our "retirement." and we appreciate any number of tickets you buy ANY week. Even $5 for one ticket is more than many people have in their pockets these days. Bless us every one!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
FABULOUS NEWS! Our Raffle Box Draw for today, Thursday October 31, is going extra well. It stands at $455 with 4+ hours left. The draw is at 4pm exactly each Thursday and if you win, you will receive a message shortly thereafter. Now, $455 may not sound like much to people seeking out the many HIGH WIN AMOUNT Raffle Box Draws...but IF you only purchased one ticket, at $5... you could win $227.50. Those are pretty good odds. Thanks for supporting our Kiwanis Club of Cape Breton Golden K RaffleBox...thanks for considering doing so sometime soon.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
As of this post, November 6th at 8:30...272 tickets have been sold for our Rafflebox weekly draw that ends at 4pm tomorrow...for this week. Thanks to those who continue to support us through this attempt to garner more funds to support need in 1 day and 6+ hours left to make a purchase. Please consider putting us and by osmosis people in need... on your TO DO list today.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Our Raffle Box draws take place at 4pm every Thursday. This Thursday's winner was James Skinner with $227.50 in his pocket that was not there at 3:59 yesterday. Thanks for your support James!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Though the Cape Breton GOLDEN K club works consistently to support our community in many ways every day of the year, the start to this week's Raffle Box draw for community support funds is going slowly. One ticket in support is $5 and could lead to a large multiplication of that amount should your name be drawn...this Thursday, Nov. 13th at 4pm. Sometimes the "saying," little things mean a lot." is MUCH MORE than just a "saying." Thank you for considering a purchase.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
As a team of 37 retirees with a dedication to community our club spends thousands of hours yearly, out giving HANDS ON support to those in need and we CONSISTENTLY donate $90,000+ dollars to programs benefiting youth and vulnerable adults. As with ALL Raffle Box draws, 1/2 of any funds raised goes to the draw winner and the other 1/2 is used by us in SUPPORT of OTHERS. We draw each Thursday at 4pm, and ask you to PLEASE CONSIDER...purchasing a ticket or tickets and join us in that way, to make even MORE of a positive impact on YOUR community.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Its November 17th. Four days in... and four days left THIS WEEK...for us to UP THE ANTI on our Raffle Box Draw potential win FOR YOU. More tickets more chances for sure but it ONLY TAKES ONE purchase to have your name drawn. $5 for a potential to greatly multiply that amount. We give approximately $90 000 a year back to community through funds we have raised and our Raffle Box draws give us EVEN MORE POTENTIAL to help those in need here in our area. PLEASE HELP US...HELP YOUR COMMUNITY.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
On Saturday November 16th, our club started our volunteer shifts manning the "Kettles" for the Salvation Army, at Sydney River Walmart. We do 51 shifts of two hours each this month and 72 shifts of 2 hours each in December. Our KETTLE Committee chairman Don Matheson took the first shift of the season. POP BY AND SAY HELLO if you are shopping at that Walmart any day Monday to Saturday, 10am to 8pm.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Cape Breton Golden K I'd dearly like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to any and all people who care enough to SHARE news about the work our club does for community and to click a LIKE once in a while. TRUST ME...if you wanted to join a club where you can do a WIDE variety of things to help youth in our area...OURS IS THE CLUB. We don't do things for thanks...we do them for our hearts. You DO NOT have to be retired... Happiest of upcoming Christmas season to you all and THANKS...AGAIN....SO MUCH.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
OK FOLKS... The "skinny" on our Raffle Box draw this Nov. 21st morning is that its up to $410 with 71/2 hours left, as of this post, before this week's draw. We have had 22 people purchase so far this week and 489 tickets sold. 22 people may not seem like much but at this point...we want to thank THOSE PEOPLE for supporting us in our mandate to support community. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS in a major way, for those IN NEED.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
It's Nov. 23rd as I post this and two days in our RaffleBox total is $245.00. That's awesome...feels like this may be a REALLY GOOD ONE! This weekend, when members are available Saturday and Sunday to be on site, our RaffleBox tickets can be purchased at a kiosk at the MAYFLOWER MALL. Pop by and say hello ... Remember RaffleBox is our NEWEST endeavor for supporting youth in our community but we have decades-long experience in doing so in MANY WAYS. CHECK US OUT at the Mall or on Facebook if the mall is not on your TO DO list this weekend.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Our THIS WEEK Raffle Box draw is up to $410 as we virtually speak. 285 tickets have been sold in 38 purchases. T As with most RB draws...Tickets are: 1/$5, 3/$10, 20/$20 and 100 for $50. ANY ANY TIME... is greatly appreciated and funds from OUR CLUB'S 50% of the sales WILL GO BACK TO COMMUNITY!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to those of you who support our GOLDEN K club either by purchasing cards for our Wednesday evening Bingo games from 6-7pm on Eastlink...only Channel 10 locally... or by purchasing tickets for our newest initiative, our Raffle Box draw which takes place each Thursday at 4pm. One card or one ticket ...20 cards or 20 matter... EVERY DOLLAR brings something much needed to youth and/or vulnerable adults in our community. We're at $590 with the RB draw for this week as I post on Tuesday, November 26 th...with 2+ days left. We appreciate you caring...and if possible SHARING our posts.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
This week's Raffle Box total... with one day and three hours left as of this $630.00. I often buy tickets but this time I'm going to see what my luck is, by purchasing only one. Hmmmmm What ARE the odds? GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Last week's take home for winner Darren Le Blanc, was $415.00. Our half of the total $830 raised goes to helping youth and vulnerable adults in our area and that need, AS YOU ever-increasing. The interest people are showing for our ONLY fund raiser that involves ticket sales, is building and we thank EVERYONE who purchases ANY number of our Raffle Box tickets. We ALSO thank those of you who take the time to SHARE our club's posts, with YOUR family and other friends. Maybe we'll up that $830 this week...who knows? As of this post...there's 1 day 4 hrs left before this week's draw.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
If you happen to be at the Mayflower Mall today or tomorrow ( Dec 5/6) and you see blue- jacketed people at a promotional booth there… it’s members of our KIWANIS GOLDEN K sharing news about our fabulous club and also, about our latest project…Raffle Box… Our Raffle Box event is helping us to acquire some additional funding to support youth and vulnerable adults in our community. If buying a ticket is just not possible for you today... Please drop by to say hello.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
For the week of Nov. 29-Dec 5... Our winner was Kathy Hartigan - $165.00 Every dollar raised goes to support programs for youth and vulnerable adults in our area. Here’s a short list of those who benefit from your support! Salvation Army, Loaves & Fishes, Atlantic Burn Camp, Cape Breton Regional Hospital, Every Woman’s Center and many many more! Thank you so much for sharing our posts and, when possible, purchasing a ticket, or tickets in support of this initiative.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
As of this post It's only 2 days and a few hours into our weekly RaffleBox draw and the total is $300 already. That may not sound to others, as awesome as it sounds to our club. WE KNOW from decades of experience that one dollar can TRULY benefit youth or vulnerable adults in need so WHATEVER we raise before 4pm on December 12th will be a HUGE benefit to them especially during this BUSY time of year. A win will put a smile on the face of the person who gets the other 50% of our final total. Thanks a million for supporting us by the ticket(s) you purchase. PLEASE SHARE our posts with family and other friends who are on social media.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
2 days and 7 hours left as of this post. Just saying. This week our RaffleBox Draw we're starting to build nicely ( $570 right now.) and YOUR SUPPORT for OUR SUPPORT of youth in this area can be a GAME CHANGER! Thanks so much for SHARING our posts as well... EVERY ounce of kindness dents the need in OUR community.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
GUESS WHAT! As of this post, with 1 day and 7 hours left to the draw we are at $655. The ODDS of YOU winning half of our FINAL TOTAL are MUCH GREATER than winning any lotto. DO THE MATH and then PLEASE take a chance on OUR fund raiser 4 youth and vulnerable adults in YOUR community. Thanks for ANY consideration you give.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
With a little over 7 hours left "as of this post"... where the total right now stands at $770.00 your chances of a win in this draw... with one ticket purchased or 20... is better than many others will be ON THIS DAY. Why not TAKE A CHANCE on having some extra cash in your pocket and hey EITHER BY WINNING OR NOT you've shown support for those WE SUPPORT through our Raffle Box endeavor... local YOUTH and VULNERABLE ADULTS. Should a buy today not be on YOUR TO DO list... could you PLEASE SHARE in case one of YOUR FRIENDS might be interested. Thanks so much on behalf of the entire GOLDEN K club.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
OUR RAFFLE BOX WINNER THIS WEEK ( December 12th) is Bridget Mac Lean who took home $480.00. Congrats to you Bridget! Thanks to EVERYONE who purchased a ticket or tickets and BECAUSE YOU DID take part in our Raffle Box Draw at ANY TIME... someone IN NEED in our community reaps the benefit of that. Our club's split for use helping others this also $480.00. BLESS US EVERY ONE!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Monday Dec. 16th is our last REGULAR meeting at the club until January 6th. There's always a seat available for anyone out there wondering what we're all about and ANYONE who wants to lend their heart and hands to youth/vulnerable adults in our community. They will see FULL TILT, why joining OUR club...the GOLDEN K... will give them that opportunity. One of the BEST things about our club is that is EACH and EVERY member chooses where... when... and for how long... they donate their time. BLESSINGS OF THE SEASON whatever it entails for you and yours.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Monday Dec. 16th is our last REGULAR meeting at the club until January 6th. There's always a seat available for anyone out there wondering what we're all about and ANYONE who wants to lend their heart and hands to youth/vulnerable adults in our community. They will see FULL TILT, why joining OUR club...the GOLDEN K... will give them that opportunity. One of the BEST things about our club is that is EACH and EVERY member chooses where... when... and for how long... they donate their time. BLESSINGS OF THE SEASON whatever it entails for you and yours.
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
Going to watch this weeks Raffle Box Draw RISE ( 360.00 so far) over the next 2 days and 6 hours hopefully. Regardless...thanks to all who have already...and will continue our RB draw which...on BOTH SIDES of what happens on Thursday at 4pm... OUR COMMUNITY WINS!
Debra Murray My Post Follow Me
It's one day and 1/2 till this week's RAFFLEBOX draw. We're up to $440.00 and needless to say...some people will get their tickets closer to draw time. Whatever else...our club sends along thanks to everyone who supports our RB initiative... to support our community. Thanks as well for SHARING our posts on this page and our FaceBook page. Have an awesome day.
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