Highlanders Clinch Playoff Spot and Announce Roster Changes

The Cape Breton Highlanders professional basketball team have clinched a playoff spot for the first time in the franchise’s brief 3-year history.

The Highlanders have 17 wins and 18 losses and are currently in third place in the five-team Atlantic Division. The top four teams in the Atlantic Division and the top four in the Central Division make the playoffs.  The Highlanders have five games remaining to be played in the 40-game regular season.

Weeks ago, at the midway point of the season, the Highlanders surged to first place in the 10-team NBL Canada league and held that position until injuries and unexpected roster changes slowed the team’s momentum.

The Highlanders have continued to make roster adjustments to find the right team balance and now have a strong mix of players set to complete the season and enter the playoffs. A gritty win on Sunday in Sydney versus the Sudbury 5 demonstrated the team's renewed potential.

In addition to announcements made previously, the Highlanders have recently signed Theron Laudermill, a 6’8 center from Riverside, California. Laudermill is 28 years old and has played professionally in South America and Europe. He played university basketball at Cal State San Bernardino.

Deshaunt Walker has left the team for personal reasons, and the recently-acquired Jerome Seagears was released.

The next Highlanders home game is at Centre 200 at 7PM on Saturday, March 16.

Find out more about tickets at HighlandersBasketball.ca/tickets

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