Highlanders Visit Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School

The Cape Breton Highlanders pro basketball team took a trip to Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School for an afternoon of laughs, shooting hoops and dancing. 

President, Tyrone Levingston welcomed everyone with a fun game that kept the crowd laughing. Shaquille Keith, Mike Luby, Charles Mann and Anthony Walker got an opportunity to share their unique stories with over 100 students.

It wouldn't be a proper visit without throwing in a surprise for the students. Which is exactly what happened when Tyrone announced a dance-off! 

Three students and one teacher got to pair up with the players and were given 30 seconds to show off their best moves. It was a tight competition but in the end Shaquille Keith and Team Sway took home the prize. 

The Highlanders are committed to being deeply involved in the Cape Breton Island community. The Highlanders are pleased to visit local schools, charities, hospitals and events throughout the year. Our team shares inspirational messages for healthy lifestyles, the value of education, building positive self-esteem, and having fun.  Find out more at HighlandersBasketball.ca

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