How many CBRM families are just barely hanging on? [VIDEO]

With the housing situation in the CBRM, many people are barely hanging on. Our turkey was $38. Each family with a secure place to live and the means to afford today’s meal should truly feel thankful.

When I was young, my family was barely holding on. We were the working poor. My dad worked, and my mom took care of us. But a Rovie’s pizza and three VHS movies for $5 at Gary Peck’s store in Louisbourg were a true luxury—some of the most memorable and meaningful moments with my mom, dad, and sister, Brandi. As I grew older, I could see how financial difficulties weighed on our parents. It hurt to see them struggle, and it hurt me more to feel like I added to their pain by asking for things. They wanted us to have those Edwin jeans from Jeans Experts and still managed to get me a pair—even though we were barely hanging on.

As an adult, I’ve lived in another country where I was the traveler arriving in a new culture, and I respect the students who boldly come here to build a new life. But when my fellow candidates celebrate population growth as if it’s the only thing we need to turn our economy around, I think of those who are barely hanging on. Rentals became scarce, reaching a point where they were simply unaffordable unless two adults shared every room. Costs soared, and now students are barely hanging on too. Some have to live in Halifax and drive to classes so that they are not left on the streets. Our local families are barely hanging on too—and more and more people are being locked into the status of the working poor.

I love economics. I love the idea of creating growth. But I know the difference between growth and painful growth. When candidates claim they can lift people out of poverty, I wonder if they understand where that 1/3 of our children or seniors who are living below the poverty line actually reside. Are they supposed to accept losing their grip on their homes because politicians see population growth as the only measure of success? Are they supposed to be okay with that, while the impacts on their lives go unnoticed?

We must build a municipality that welcomes people into shared prosperity, not shared hardship. We must grow responsibly. I promise you, I will never lose empathy for what people are going through. Years ago, I felt the sadness, the fear, and the shame of barely hanging on. It locked me inside a shell that made it seem impossible for that boy to one day stand on a debate stage and tell his community he knows how they feel—and that he knows how to help. I smashed that shell. And today, whenever there's something I'm not supposed to be able to do... I break through whatever limitation is in front of me. I find a way. I find a solution.

As much as I’ve learned from my family's experience barely holding on, I cannot, in good conscience, think it’s okay for anyone else to feel that way.

Today, I'm so thankful that we came together as a family, and that we didn't have to worry about where to get $38 for the turkey. But, I know for many others that was not the case. And I would be so eternally thankful to you if you allow me to become your next mayor, and to give me the opportunity to ease the burden on our families, to achieve the solutions that allows them to release their grip and know that they may do so without falling.—Joe


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I'm Joe Ward, a candidate for CBRM mayor on October 19th, and I share my ideas and views on the public record for you to find out who I am and what I have to offer. Vote for good plans, not lawn signs. Authorized by Joe Ward.

Follow along with my campaign and check out I'm confident there are multiple ways to work with the province to lower our property taxes on par with Halifax, and spark the housing construction boom we need. When I met with Tim Houston, he told me my message to him about our economic indicators was a big part of what compelled him to offer $15 Million more to the CBRM. Now, we need to get back to that economic discussion, and bring back the $15 million and more. But, this time, we'll be ready to invest it wisely.

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