How To Wire Wrap Beach Glass the Easy Way TUTORIAL

How To Wire Wrap Beach Glass the Easy Way

My most popular Youtube video has more than half a million views, and got me a book deal! Wanna see? OF COURSE YOU DO. 

Beach glass, or sea glass, is one of the prettiest pieces of garbage you’ll ever see. I am lucky to live on Cape Breton Island and I’m able to collect my own beach glass. This technique also works for any flat, irregular object.

This is my first tutorial & it’s super duper long, because I had trouble taking out any steps. If it’s any help, I shot a video, too! I thought it would help explain the photos by watching me create something start to finish. Also, it was hard to get the photos while also working with both hands. So you get both!

Link and Video attached. Enjoy!

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A very simple twist-based wire-wrapping technique perfect for flat, irregular objects such as beach glass (or seaglass).
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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Gayle, that's a great story about the video views and getting a book deal .... congrats! I'm really happy for you and hope it does great. I just ordered the book for my daughter Maria
Gayle Bird My Post Follow Me
Fabulous Mathew! Maria's work is super. If she has questions about the book, you know where to find me!!
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Gayle, your book just arrived and it is beautiful .... the photos, the fonts, colors, layout ... well done! I have posted reviews on and You should post the book on this page on

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