
I am ready Cape Breton!

Belinda Mac Leod 881 Kings Road B1S-1C3 Sydney N.S 1- (416) 519-0566 [email protected] PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Office Administration professional with more than 10 years of experience providing dynamic administrative support in multiple sectors. Highly familiar with the practical skills of office management support in engineering, health care, entertainment. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite: Outlook, Access, PowerPoint Excel and Word. COMPETENCIES • Correspondence and Documentation • Quick Books Accounting • File Management • Organized • Problem Solving • Excellent Communication • Database Management • Multi-tasking • Result Oriented • Team Player • Typing 50 wpm EDUCATION Medical Office Administration and Accounting Program 2009-2011 & 2014 George Brown College Health Care Aide Certificate 1992 Conestoga College RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Administrative Assistant/Promotions, Wright Ware 2016 • Organize and maintain all filing systems • Attend meetings and promote products for potential clients • Perform data entry responsibilities upon arrival of merchandise and catalogues • Perform cross-functional responsibilities as assigned, update manuals, research companies, prepare orders Nutrition Program Assistant / Parent ECO Representative 2013-2015 George Webster Elementary School • Prepared Financial Reports for the Nutrition Program, part of student success and mailed to Toronto Foundation for Student Success for funding purposes • Distributed flyers, coordinated volunteers, ordered supplies, processed monies raised • Fundraised to provide tutors for student success and to support school programs • Prepared breakfast, lunch, and snacks for 300 students, sanitize kitchen • Form and organize school committees to be part of fundraising events, take meeting minutes Accounting Office Clerk, George A.Ormsby Chartered Accountant 2014 • Assembled documents for income tax returns • Prepared invoices for clients using Excel • Sorting, organizing and filing documents Belinda Mac Leod page 2. [email protected] 416-519-0566 Office Clerk, Smith and Andersen Consulting 2012 – 2013 • Coordinated meetings and assisted the administration department to ensure the smooth operation of the office • Prioritized and scanned architectural drawings into electronic filing system in a timely manner to increase productivity and profitability by allowing instant access to historical documents • Maintained office supplies to ensure the efficient running of the office and three kitchens • Organized, sorted and filed projects for the storage department to ensure adequate records are stored for posterity Administrative Assistant, Mirvish Productions 2000 - 2002 • Composed routine and highly confidential correspondence for the management team • Effectively fielded and directed calls using both a Console 2000 and Meridian phone system to ensure that both internal and external stakeholders had needs met • Arranged and coordinated conference calls for staff • Verified and audited expense reports to ensure company standards and procedures were followed by all staff members • Maintained general office facilities and office supplies within the allowed budget • Demonstrated integrity by actively promoting ticket sales and events, often on a volunteer basis Unit Clerk, (Part-time) Niagara Falls General Hospital Summer 2000 • Received and recorded all diagnostic results for the unit; notified medical staff of results to ensure timely patient care • Responsible for scheduling replacement staff for all cancelled shifts and informing senior staff of changes to schedule • Answered telephone for the unit providing courteous service to all stakeholders • Greeted and directed all unit visitors • Assembled and maintained all patient charts from admission to discharge to ensure that all pertinent information was available for staff to make the most appropriate decisions regarding patient care ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Usher / Guest Services, Air Canada Centre 2000 - 2007 • Communicated with clients, vendors and colleagues establishing integral relationships working directly with 35 staff and 75-150 patrons and indirectly with 1500 staff and 20,000 patrons on a daily basis • Trained in security and life-saver response to ensure the safety of all guests, vendors and staff at the facility • Instructed and trained new staff in both operational and fan control procedures • Maintained an exceptional rapport with fans of all ages and interests to ensure a good time was had by all References available upon request

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Bob Willman Follow Me
Please let us know how you get on. Best wishes on your job search.
Belinda Macleod My Post Follow Me
Hi Bob! I received a call from Marine Atlantic today, however I can't make the interview tomorrow because I am still living in Toronto and will move to Cape Breton early July. Well at least I am getting some feedback from the Island! I will keep you posted. Thanks for your concern.
Kerry Dexter Follow Me
Good that you got that call, Belinda. Sending good wishes that you'll soon have work you love on the Island
Alec Willman Follow Me
So curious to hear how your job hunt is going. I am hoping to move to the area after I graduate this August. Not sure if there are any job openings for an electrician.
gocha bolkvadze Follow Me
Hello belinda
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