Inglis Print & Promo

Inglis Print & Promo is an independently owned and operated business in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Our clientele ranges from small to large businesses. Spearheaded by Bob Inglis, with 30 years experience in the printing and promotional business, we are working hard to provide business solutions. New to Inglis Print & Promotions, Mark Inglis (B.A B.Ed) and Joel Inglis (B.A, MBA - CED) are bringing fresh new concepts and ideas to your business and marketing needs.

We are a full service print and promo specialties company offering a wide range of promotional items, business forms and labels.

Our goal is to find a way for you to put your brand in the hand and minds of your clients and customers and keep it there. We do this by providing effective promotional products that keep your brand top of mind.

There is a strong need for creative solutions to business promotion and we have something for every situation. These solutions are limited only by the imagination.

Bob Inglis (Owner)
Phone (902) 539-8577
[email protected]

Mark Inglis (Public Relations, Marketing, and Sales)

Phone (902) 578-2482

[email protected]

Joel Inglis (Sales and Marketing)
Phone (902) 304-2834
[email protected]

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We are a locally owned and operated full service print and promo specialties company offering a wide range of promotional items, business forms, and labels.
Directory Creative Services Marketing, PR, Promo Products Location CBRM Sydney


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