Is CBRM prepared ...

Is anyone worried about the bottle-neck on the Esplanade and Townsend Streets areas? Parking and Traffic seem to be a hot topic that's being discussed at length with the new NSCC Grand Opening in September 2024. Emergency Response, foot traffic, etc., keeping in mind the downward blind turn coming in King's Road onto the Esplanade/Townsend Street.? Question: What's in the CBRM Budget for Snow Removal, Landscaping, and Storms (storm drains, flooding, etc.)? Growing up on the Island, I never saw so much tall grass and hay, plus debris (garbage) flying around, and that's only CBRM Public spaces, parks, and sidewalks. What about edging, trimming, mowing, pressure washing? Great employment opportunities and transferable skills for entry-level employees, or seasonal workers. Snow Removal/Sidewalks/Snowbanks have been an ongoing issue, what changes have been made to the budget.? Are we missing an entire CBRM department? What's going on CBRM, are we broke, under-staffed, or unprepared?

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Gary Tomada Follow Me
I totally agree. The lack of upgrading is terrible.

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