Is Mike Kelloway a Liar?!
We heard Mike Kelloway 2 years ago stand on this very stage in Glace Bay and tell the voters that if he was elected, he would get the Federal and the Provincial governments to the table with the NSEF to discuss publicly, the situation with Equalization under-funding..
Please watch the CBC debate last night around the 1:18 minute mark when Steve Sutherland talked about equalization. The link is here:
Mike Kelloway ignores the NSEF 100%. We have sent several emails and requests and we do not hear back from Mr. Kelloway. The last time we met with Mike Kelloway, we had enough of his ignoring us, so we went to his office with cameras and then he spoke to Father Maroun. Since that time, Mike Kelloway has ignored the NSEF 100%.
It is very concerning that this candidate is looking for your vote again when he will not meet (virtually) with a sixteen-year-old student concerned about her future on Cape Breton Island. What is the problem here Mike? How do you think you are the person to represent us federally when you jump fences and run down alley’s (at Ian Rankins announcement in Des Bares Park) to avoid the NSEF and Jessica MacDonald?
If Mike Kelloway is afraid to defend his and the Liberal governments betrayal of his constituents regarding the equalization issue, how can we expect him to represent this community before his party bosses, in Ottawa?
Since it appears he can not provide any documentation of his efforts to protect this community’s constitutionally enshrined funding, why should he be deserving of your vote?
It is time the community vote smarter when we assign our federal representatives. Our future depends upon it!
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