Is Mike Kelloway a Liar?!

Is Mike Kelloway a Liar?!
We heard Mike Kelloway 2 years ago stand on this very stage in Glace Bay and tell the voters that if he was elected, he would get the Federal and the Provincial governments to the table with the NSEF to discuss publicly, the situation with Equalization under-funding..
Please watch the CBC debate last night around the 1:18 minute mark when Steve Sutherland talked about equalization. The link is here:
Mike Kelloway ignores the NSEF 100%. We have sent several emails and requests and we do not hear back from Mr. Kelloway. The last time we met with Mike Kelloway, we had enough of his ignoring us, so we went to his office with cameras and then he spoke to Father Maroun. Since that time, Mike Kelloway has ignored the NSEF 100%.
It is very concerning that this candidate is looking for your vote again when he will not meet (virtually) with a sixteen-year-old student concerned about her future on Cape Breton Island. What is the problem here Mike? How do you think you are the person to represent us federally when you jump fences and run down alley’s (at Ian Rankins announcement in Des Bares Park) to avoid the NSEF and Jessica MacDonald?
If Mike Kelloway is afraid to defend his and the Liberal governments betrayal of his constituents regarding the equalization issue, how can we expect him to represent this community before his party bosses, in Ottawa?
Since it appears he can not provide any documentation of his efforts to protect this community’s constitutionally enshrined funding, why should he be deserving of your vote?
It is time the community vote smarter when we assign our federal representatives. Our future depends upon it!

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Charles Sampson Follow Me
Mike Kelloway has NOT honoured HIS promise to his constituents. Did he intentionally lie to the community in 2019 to get elected? His subsequent behaviour suggest he has done so, IMO. How can anyone justify voting for him? Kelloway has lied as he hasn’t provided any documentation of HIS advocacy on behalf of this community regarding this Equalization corruption.
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
Mike Kelloway set up a meeting with NSEF with policy makers, did he not? "The virtual Zoom meeting was to have been held Thursday between four members of the NSEF, Cape Breton Canso MP Mike Kelloway and staff from the offices of Justice Minister David Lametti and Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland." But a meeting involving all parties did not happen. According to the NSEF’s Russ Green, the group has a policy that all of its meetings with politicians be recorded for the sake of transparency and accountability, while Kelloway’s policy is to not record meetings with constituents and stakeholders in order to facilitate open and candid discussions.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Yes, Kelloway set up a meeting knowing the NSEF’s policy of video recording all of the meetings with politicians. Then Kelloway, suddenly, creates HIS own selective policy of not recording meetings specifically with the NSEF group. Why? However, if you check his FB page, he continues to be recorded when it suits him politically. Why? What is Kelloway running away from having HIS comments recorded for his constituents hear them?
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
While I understand the real need for CBRM and other municipalities to be funded differently for progress to be made toward equalization of access to services - including infrastructure - for Canadians, I do not think it is logical to expect unelected staff from the Ministry of Justice and the Deputy PM's office to record a meeting with a constituent's group. Why not tell us what the main parties are planning to do re funding services in Cape Breton so that we can use this useful information in making a voting decision? Calling Kelloway a liar does not, in my opinion, serve your cause well.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorna Since you state it is logical to expect unelected officials also to be afraid to be recorded in a meeting with a constituent’s group, what was Kelloway’s purpose in arranging this meeting with people who are powerless to state an opinion? Your second comment IS the role of the government and Kelloway, not the NSEF. You should note the NSEF has been trying to have Kelloway and his government and the provincial government explain exactly how these yearly federal Equalization transfers are spent. Have you obtained this information? If referring to a politician as a liar, when he has lied before the public, perhaps you can suggest another label which you prefer? If telling the truth is not allowed, what do you suggest should be done?
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
Well, I did not suggest that the political staff were 'afraid' to be filmed during the meeting. (Honestly, I have never seen a video of a meeting with unelected staff of minister and constituents.) I do not think that it is unreasonable to hold a meeting without it being videotaped, particularly with staff who work for an elected official, but are not themselves public figures. I understand that you disagree, but I would suggest that prohibiting video taping a meeting does not mean that anyone is trying to hide anything.
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
I do not know how the transfer payments to Nova Scotia have been spent. I agree wholeheartedly that we should, as citizens, have access to this information. To call someone a liar is to seriously attack their character, I think you will agree. If you have proof that someone has intentionally lied to get elected, than perhaps you should share this?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Here is the proof Kelloway lied to the public.
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
Hello, I tried to watch the video clip. There does not seem to be any sound?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Hit your volume button to the right.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorna, you are unable to discuss this issue. Why haven't you contacted Mike Kelloway to have him provide the answers. What is HE hiding or afraid of still?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorna, we are asking the public if Mike Kelloway is a liar? The public will provide the answer to this question, and they are on social media.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
If the political staff were not afraid of being recorded, why did Kelloway suddenly create his no recording policy? It IS not a party policy but suddenly his policy just for the NSEF. Was he not going to be present at this meeting? He was the one not wanting to be questioned about this level of corruption with these federal transfers. Not allowing a video recording of these meetings does represent Mike Kelloway's inability to defend the government's policy involving its OWN data. If you think this is not trying to hide something, then what is the reason for not being transparent and accountable for the government's policy, which is adversely affecting his own constituents and rural Nova Scotians? You are not making any sense! Lorna, the simple fact is that Nova Scotia is receiving $2.315 billion this year and approximately 23% of this amount is generated by the fiscal tax capacity deficiency in the CBRM and rural Nova Scotia. Where is this money being spent? Mike Kelloway is AWARE of this underfunding of the province's municipalities and has decided to look the other way as ordered by his party bosses. Why is Mike Kelloway NOT doing his job?
Lorna MacNeil Follow Me
I went to the CBC archive to watch the video as the clip would not work for me for whatever reason. I understand that you are passionate about the equalization issue somehow being resolved. I do not see any proof that Mike Kelloway intentionally lied to the public to get elected. We differ. As for not video recording the meeting that Kelloway set up for NSEF with staff at the justice department and the deputy prime minister's office. Your argument seems to be that the only reason one would not video tape a meeting is that they want to hide something. Perhaps they do not want the video used in ads? Perhaps some of the attendees do not want the meeting to recorded because they value their privacy? Unless you have evidence that the reason for not recording was to hide something, you can't state that it was. Also, NSEF, I assume, wants to share information among Cape Bretoners. So telling people like me that "I am not making any sense" or that I am "unable" to discuss this issue is not useful.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorna, you are not making any sense. Kelloway has had ample opportunity to provide his proof of his efforts to honourably and honestly represent his constituents regarding the government's manipulation of these billions of dollars over more than two decades. When the proof is provided and you still do not want to recognize it, it does not represent a difference of opinion. The facts are what they are even if you do not want to accept them. You are entitled to be mistaken, but not to your own facts. Kelloway has NOT fulfilled his election promise he made in 2019. He has been asked to find answers to other problems in this matter and he has NOT provided any. When the information/data belongs solely to the government and the government/Kelloway will NOT come to the table to explain it, do you have another reason to provide for Kelloway not coming forward to explain his government's own information? The information is on the government's website for you to see. Your introduction of the privacy argument is hilarious. THIS IS PUBLIC INFORMATION! Your comments of defence of this MP's lack of accountability is evidence of your nonsense. The NSEF has not provided your comments. We can allow the public to judge your contribution to this matter. Just for you a few questions: Why are you defending the indefensible policy of this MP and this government when Kelloway or none of the government officials have come forward to do so? Kelloway and the government are hiding from explaining their OWN information to the public for a reason. Why do you think Kelloway and the government are not coming forward to talk to the public about the Equalization government program?
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Lorna. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. NSEF has met with many politicians and has heard many promises and lies behind closed doors for over two decades before we decided, as a board, to only meet with politicians if that meeting was recorded to hold them to their words and commitments. Mike had meeting with constituents and stakeholders in the days prior and following that were recorded and posted on his Facebook page. One was with Annette Verschuren who is a stakeholder and constituent. Why does Mike Kelloway's policy not apply there but it does with the NSEF? If Mike Kelloway refuses to discuss publicly the situation with regards to equalization, the public should be very concerned. What is he hiding?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorna, Mike Kelloway cannot even write a reply - not a video recording - to this government equalization manipulation when an open letter is sent to the local CB Post. Why is Kelloway unable or unwilling to provide transparency and accountability for his lack of representation to protect his constituents from his own political party's unconstitutional policy?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Lorrna The NSEF policy to record was adopted about 3-years ago. For your information only. Kelloway already is aware of this policy.
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
Sadly so typical behavior of a politician. Agree to Anything to get in, but forget all about it once elected. I have Zero faith in any of them.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
This EQUALIZATION stuff is CBRM's version of THE BIG LIE and has infected Cape Breton politics for 30 years and has gotten us no where except.......encourage politicians of every stripe from here to Halifax to Ottawa to turn their backs on us.We need those folks as partners when it comes to funding: highest property taxes in Nova Scotia,new library on the table for 15 years,need new and improved infrastucture,bla,bla,bla.So the answer is to publically fight with the folks we gotta partner with?????? Time to wake up folks.This is not working!!!!!!!!
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Raymond, the Equalization payments are, more and more, because of the rising property taxes becoming an election issue. This is also being compounded because of the increased prices in the cost of living, etc. As more people realize this issue is being politically manipulated for years by the government, we need people who will properly and professionally address this issue. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand this unjust government practice. The government knows this too. We need to elect representatives who will properly draw attention to this problem and properly and effectively seek a remedy that will help more than the Capital Region of this province, which is the constitutional purpose for these Equalization payments. The management of these federal Equalization transfers require transparency to ensure compliance with the law enshrined in our Constitution. The silly partisan political bickering we have witnessed by our elected officials is not helping. It is time to elect people who will end this corruption in the interests of all Nova Scotians.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Nope.It's time to elect non partisan street smart people who can effectively negotiate with all potential partners no matter what party even if they have to hold their nose while doing it.We need diplomacy at all costs.This EQUALIZATION stuff is causing way too many problems.It has the minds of many of our good people brain washed.Time for a fresh start.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Yes, non-partisan status is achieved by electing independent candidates. The Equalization is 100% the information of the government. The problem is caused by the government’s REFUSAL to be transparent about these Equalization payments. That IS what is the problem and the government is the cause of this problem. The problem is the government has kept people ignorant of what happens to these federal billions of Equalization dollars for decades and now the consequences of this political corruption is creating a problem for residents in their ability to maintain their homes. And it is going to get worse unless the people demand complete transparency from government about these Equalization transfers, which is a constitutional requirement the people are entitled to seek the government’s compliance with.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Raymond and readers, MP MIKE KELLOWAY provided Fr. Maroun and Russ Green with documents the last time we met that he said was the legal documents which convinced him that the “unconditional” federal government practice of transferring these Equalization payments is legal. After reading the published legal document of a constitutional lawyer Aymen Nader, PROVIDING ESSENTIAL SERVICES: CANADA’S CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT UNDER SECTION 36 in the Dalhousie Law Journal, Volume 19 - Issue 2, 10-1-1996, it was clear that MIKE either did not read this document or he was trying to bluff his way hoping we would NOT read it. Because this legal scholar’s opinion does not support what Mike told Fr. Maroun or Russ Green. In fact, because of the wording of the title of this paper, which cannot be a “provincial” constitutional responsibility, this transfer must be a “CONDITIONAL” transfer to the provinces. Section 36 (1)(c) states “PROVIDING ESSENTIAL PUBLIC SERVICES OF REASONABLE QUALITY TO ALL CANADIANS” is a national or federal government’s responsibility. Mike KELLOWAY was informed of his mistake but has NOT acknowledged his error of misrepresentation of what he claimed in the article he provided the NSEF members with. Was he intentionally lying or trying to bluff his way through hoping the NSEF members would not read it? Regardless, Mike KELLOWAY knows legally he is wrong about these Equalization transfers being transferred unconditionally and he has not yet admitted to this fact. His own document he relies on has not supported his claim of being a constitutional transfer for the federal government’s unconditional transfer practice which is, in fact, unconstitutional given the actual wording in the Constitution Act, 1982, section 36(1)(c).

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