Is the CBRM paying the Highest Property Taxes in Canada?

We would like you to have a look at the two links below. The first one is to a wealth Simple site with a great property tax comparison across Canada. In looking for this report, we googled “where is the highest residential property taxes in Canada”. The first thing to pop up was New Brunswick as having the highest residential property taxes in Canada at 1.78. The next was the Wealth Simple site listed below that confirmed this fact. Have a look before we continue: The next link is to the CBRM tax information page, and it clearly shows that the CBRM has the highest residential tax rates in Canada at a whopping 2.26. Have a look here: So, while the good folks in St. John New Brunswick are paying $4463 on a $250,000 home or the people in Fredericton are paying $3553 on the same home. The people of the CBRM are paying $5650 on the same valued property. The sad part of all this is while we pay more than double what the HRM is paying, we must listen to our provincial government claim surpluses in equalization year after year. We do not think you will see the Houston Government do that, as too much attention has been drawn to that fact. If you are not asking your elected officials about this or challenging your federal representatives as to why this federal program is allowed to be manipulated by the provincial government, then we are not doing our part. Please help us spread this information and start the conversation. Remember, Nova Scotia as a province, receives over $2.45 billion yearly now, so we are not overtaxed. We are overtaxed and they claim surpluses that are spent in the HRM. Are we ok with this because it was only a few years ago Karen Casey, who was the finance minister at the time, stated there was a surplus of equalization to the tune of $230 million that was all spent in Halifax.

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