Is There "Really" An Official Opposition In Nova Scotia?

The following message was sent to Fred Tilley by Charles Sampson. Fred is openly endorsing Cecil Clarke for mayor. We have been saying along that the party system is corrupted and there is no meaningful opposition. Our only possible solution is to elect all new representatives who will run as independents to better represent us in the legislature. Here is Charles message to Fred Tilley: Fred, doesn’t your endorsement of Cecil Clarke for mayor, given his lengthy record of not being an advocate for this community regarding the federal Equalization transfers, also convey that you too agree with Cecil on this issue? The political manipulation of these federal Equalization transfers are more understood today. How are you going to seek the accountability and full transparency to where these funds are being spent in this province without the support of Cecil should he win the mayoral race? This transparency is particularly relevant, as you are aware, with the formula’s category dealing with the municipal deficiency in the tax capacity related to property taxes and miscellaneous revenues. This category has generated over $650 million of this year’s transfer of $3.284 billion. Why is the government’s provincial (equalization) grant to struggling municipalities just $30 million for decades? Or is your endorsement of Cecil and what he represents on the federal Equalization transfers also your position too?

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Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
No wonder the Liberals had big smirks on their faces during the negotiations of Bill 340 in Nova Scotia Legislature. It was all for show. All parties are guilty of the manipulation of equalization payments in this province. They must be sticking together now to protect each other after all, all parties are guilty of breaking our constitutional rights under section 36 of the Constitution of Canada.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Charles Sampson What Fred Tilley and Cecil Clarke are messaging to residents is that the elected political party candidates are obviously not able to represent you and protect your mythical rights in our Constitution.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
During the so-called debate on Bill 340 by the so-labelled opposition in the N.S. Legislature, what prevented any of the Liberal or NDP members from asking these obviously “inoffensive” questions about the distribution of the $3.284 billion federal Equalization Transfers to the N.S. government this year? And more specifically, what happened to the 20+ percent of that total transfer totalling at least $650 million that was generated by just one of the five categories in the formula constitutionally supporting the funding for this municipal tax capacity deficiency related to property taxes and miscellaneous revenues when the documented provincial inadequate equalization grant of $30 million has not increased for decades? Where is this federally funded constitutionally protected money provided for this municipal deficiency in N.S. being misappropriated? Ask those candidates who are running for mayor and council about this political manipulation of these unaccounted for $billions and what these candidates are going to do? This serious lack of transparency about decades of government spending of $billions requires the attention of the electorate in the elections coming.

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