Is Tim Houston Killing Accountability?

How Do We Hold Government Accountable in Nova Scotia? The one watchdog organization we do have in Nova Scotia, is the Office of the Auditor General. The Tim Houston Government now wants to possess the power to fire the Auditor General if they wish. Here was the media quote: “Tim Houston introduced a bill that would allow cabinet to dismiss the auditor general after a two-thirds vote in the House "for reasons other than cause or incapacity." Also reported, “Under the amendments tabled on Tuesday, the Houston government would have power to veto or -censor reports or portions of reports for reasons they include as solicitor-client privilege, litigation privilege, settlement privilege or public interest immunity.” Father Maroun met with Kim Adair from the Nova Scotia Auditor General's Office last year and supplied her with thousands of pages of data on equalization. Father Maroun left Kim Adair with data keys full of information that the RCMP used in their investigation after the NSEF and Father Maroun filed formal complaints against the provincial government. Could this be the reason for Tim Houston’s actions? Could Kim Adair be ready to start her audit into equalization? Maybe we will never know but it seems fishy to us that this is happening. What disclosure is the Houston Government afraid of in terms of finances?

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Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
From another article: Former auditor general Jacques Lapointe released a report in 2010 that led to four Nova Scotia politicians pleading guilty to charges for inappropriate spending. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Admittedly until a few weeks ago I was ok with Houston although I don't pay close attention to provincial politics.That was however,until I heard he hired our former mayor who admitted to the theft of $17,000 of OUR public funds.She should never again be trusted with tax dollars by way of salary,expense account or credit card at a Municipal,Provincial or Federal level.CBRM'ers are frankly disgusted at the move and who in their right mind would turn to her for help in her capacity in the new position.I doubt it if her phone will ring much or her doorway darkened much at the Provincial building.Absolutely disgusting!!!

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