Seeking water / wastewater treatment or related work

Hello everyone

In a bid to escape the clutches of smog, nonstop rush hour traffic, and teeming populace that is Toronto, I'm hoping there are public works folks in any of the counties who may be looking for an operator for their water / wastewater treatment plants. Maybe someone is planning on retiring, or needs additional help? I'm not at full operator status yet, as I'm waiting to get the necessary experience; I'm at the OIT level. However, within two years I'd qualify for my level two operator's licence, so it wouldn't take too long for me to reach a level which would probably suit most of your requirements. And you would have a meticulous, diligent, hard working employee who'd be thrilled and grateful to be on the Island.

I’ve spent much of my working life running a small, very hands on, manufacturing business. Everything from graphic design to product development to dealing with the government to actually physically making things with my hands. Yes, I’m a master leatherworker, in case anyone’s looking for that. Not that anybody is.

I’ve trained as a lab and environmental technologist, so I’m very happy out in the bush, sampling and monitoring; slightly less happy (but still happy) back in the office writing reports, or in the lab, running analyses.

At need, I can turn my hand to construction work, carpentry and residential plumbing. On the side, I’m a theatrical rigger, and also do mast-top repairs and general boat-related repairs. Problem solving and power tools are second nature to me. I love my Milwaukee 18V cordless.

And finally, for now, I’m a more than capable photographer and videographer, with experience in weddings, art and commercial settings, using Adobe graphics programs for editing and tweaking.

If any of this sounds workable for you or someone / place  you know, please contact me.

[email protected]



Environmental Technician skills related to water and soil sampling and field analysis, lab analysis, environmental assessments, site investigations and research;

Administration of manufacturing operations, stakeholder relationship management, production management, quality control, marketing and outreach, report research and writing;

Dedicated and meticulous, creative problem-solving skills, experience with administrative and field activities, enjoy working with people from diverse backgrounds, accustomed to working independently, comfortable working in a group.

And some of the qualifications / certifications:

Trent University

Environmental Science BSc (Hons) Degree

Sir Sandford Fleming College

Environmental Technology Diploma

Environmental Technician Diploma


  • President's Honour Roll
  • John Cathrae Memorial Scholarship
  • Nelson Tavares Memorial Award
  • Innovation Award for Constructed Wetland Design

Entry Level Drinking Water Operator Certification

Walkerton Clean Water Centre, Ontario Ministry of Environment

Mandatory certification for water treatment plant operations

Ontario Wastewater Operator Licence, Wastewater Collection Facility OIT

Ontario Wastewater Operator Licence, Wastewater Treatment Facility OIT

Wastewater Operator Licence, Ministry of Environment

Mandatory certification for wastewater treatment and collection operations.

Ecological Land Classification (ELC) Certificate

MNR, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

OBBN Assessment Certificate

OBBN, Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network

Training in OBBN principles, methodology, ID, bioassessment study designs.

Aerial Work Platform: Scissor Lift, On and Off-slab Operation Certificate

Torcan Lift Equipment, in accordance with CSA B354.2-01

Aerial Work Platform: Boom-Elevated, On and Off-slab Operation Certificate

Torcan Lift Equipment, in accordance with CSA B354.4-02

Working At Heights Certificate

irescue Training, CPO approved WAH 34686

Aerial Lift Safety Certificate

Dwight Crane Ltd.: Training on Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms, Self-Propelled Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms, and Elevating Rolling Work Platforms

Other certifications

First Aid / CPR certificate

Radiation Safety Course, Level II

Confined Spaces certificate

Pleasure Craft (BOAT) Operator's certificate

Transportation of Dangerous Goods certificate

Class 5 Driver's (G) & M Driver's licence

Restricted Radio Operator's certificate

Canadian GeoExchange Coalition Installers' Course

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Will be back by the spring, if not sooner. Looking for an Operator, OIT position. Happy to consider anything related.
Job Type Construction, Trades Job Type Manufacturing, Production, Quality Assurance Job Type Other Job Type Technology, Science, Engineering Work Looking to return to Cape Breton


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