Jim Demeyere carefully moving the Gabarus Lighthouse to safety.

T&J Demeyere Properties Limited - Over 50 years experience in concrete, new construction and renovations.
Bus: 902-849-0188
Email: [email protected]

Call Jim today for your free quote on concrete foundations, slabs, steps and walkways, shale rock and fill. Plus all your home renovation needs.
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Call 902-849-0188 or email [email protected]

Using steel bars, slippery dish detergent, and some sturdy metal chains, a Nova Scotia community has saved its local lighthouse by pulling the structure onto a new concrete foundation.

Watch video of Jim moving the Gabarus Lighthouse here: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/n-s-community-saves-historic-lighthouse-from-toppling-into-ocean-1.2678385

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Call Jim today for your free quote on concrete foundations, slabs, steps and walkways, shale rock and fill. Call 902-849-0188
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