Joe Ward Confronts Tim Houston & Brian Comer on Air [VIDEO]

I joined the other Cape Breton East candidates for a live roundtable on CBC Information Morning. This is our debate! You can listen below.

This is your opportunity to find out why I should be your MLA. I will fight for what the CBRM needs. I will NOT be a "yes man" for anyone.

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Brian Comer is a nice young man, but he's ok with Houston and his colleagues saying "Cape Breton gets everything," and then coming home to the CBRM to battle with our municipality—whether it's about Bill 340 or highway policing!

I get it—he delivers some cheques. Every elected official has to at some point. But in this interview, he doesn't seem to understand how CBRM taxes work. He thinks they're high just because the CBRM sets the rates high. Does it he understand why they *have* to?

You'll see that he just stays on script with Houston, seemingly sometimes probably reading from one. It was a call-in interview.
Houston and Comer can eliminate $40 million in bridge tolls in Halifax every year... that's their promise... but they can't direct $40 million to the CBRM to fix taxes?

They can. If they don't, it's because they don't want to. Houston thinks we still owe the province a bill for Sydney Steel (SYSCO)...

Authorized by the official agent for Joe Ward
Audio courtesy of CBC Information Morning with Steve Sutherland

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Lillian Dolomont Follow Me
Joe , I was on your side when I thought you were not a Politician. I thought you were a citizen who really cared what was happening in CB. Now, you are running for the Liberals. What has the Liberals ever done for CB, especially since the tater tot took over and has made CANADA the laughing stock of the world. How could you follow such an example? He has turned Canada into a dictatorship,and into his personal piggy bank. He has borrowed more money and now the interest payments on said loans are actually higher than what is spent on Health Care for the country. Why Joe why???????????????
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
You're talking about the federal government. This is a *provincial* election. If you get distracted by Justin Trudeau—because Tim Houston's communication team wants you to—then you'll be overlooking the reality that I agreed to run for the Liberal Party of Nova Scotia because there is a better plan in place. You believed I really cared about the CBRM, and I 100% do. That's why I was able to negotiate a commitment to lowering tax rates in the CBRM. I told them that the Joe Ward that ran in the mayoral campaign was going to be the same one that is running for the Liberal Party of NS—and those were my conditions. They accepted those conditions, and that is an indication of a party that is able to make some bold leadership decisions. And, that's why I'm onboard. Every time you hear Houston talk about Trudeau, you should be reminded that he doesn't want you to pay attention to what he's not offering the CBRM. You'll have to decide if you want to let a real politician like Houston deceive you, or if you'd rather support a voice for our community.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Lillian, in NS, independents don't win, particularly if you don't raise a bunch of money -- and if you do, then you have the perception of financial influence. It's a no win situation. So if you are someone, like Joe, who wants to make a difference, then you have to do so as a member of one of the parties. Our party system is not good, but it is what it is. Also in NS, there has been no ideaological difference between the Conservatives and Liberals for decades. NDP has some differentiation, but that too seems to be diminishing. So it's really just three teams -- blue, red, and orange. Pick your color ... or better yet, pick the PERSON who has proven to be authentically motivated to create positive change with an independent mindset. Also, the federal parties are not the same as the NS parties.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Joe, it would have been an excellent opportunity to confront Brian on the category that generated 2O+% of the total Equalization transfer of $3.284 billion or approximately $650 million that was received by the province to address the municipal deficiency federally calculated in our tax capacity related to property taxes and miscellaneous revenues. It is the Achilles heel of the government’s illegal manipulation of these federal Equalization transfers.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
He suggested CBRM sets the tax rates as though he has no understanding of why they have to be high. I suspect he knows very little about the calculations. Hopefully, I’ll soon be the MLA, one who does understand. :)

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