Joe Ward Tops CBC Mayoral Interviews—Here's how [VIDEO]

Joe Ward’s analysis shows he outperformed rivals in CBC mayoral interviews, earning the top score with clear messaging, authenticity, and actionable plans. His unique approach is sparking buzz, fuelling his surging social media, and becoming the talk of the community through word of mouth—and that's the path to become your next CBRM mayor.

Do you want to try the analysis yourself? Interview transcripts are attached. And LLM prompts are below the video. If you're familiar with the technology, try them with OpenAI's ChatGPT, Meta LLama, Anthropic Claude, or Google Gemini.

I'm Joe Ward, a candidate for CBRM mayor on October 19th, and I share my ideas and views on the public record for you to find out who I am and what I have to offer. Vote for good plans, not lawn signs.


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LLM Prompts to perform the analysis

With the interview transcripts (see below) and your preferred LLM, try the following sequence of prompts:

PROMPT 1. I will provide you with the transcripts of interviews with municipal candidates running for mayor. From an objective perspective of a political campaign and communications expert, who evaluates candidate interviews with media and evaluates how well they will be received by the public, what are 10 key elements of a successful interview?

PROMPT 2.Here is the first transcript. Please evaluate each candidate, with a rating of 1-10, for each of the criteria you identified based on their statements in the interview.
(insert transcript 1)

PROMPT 3.Here is another transcript. Please complete the same evaluation process.
(insert transcript 2)

PROMPT 4.Here is another transcript. Please complete the same evaluation process.

(insert transcript 3)

PROMPT 5.Here is another transcript. Please complete the same evaluation process.

(insert transcript 4)

PROMPT 6.Here is another transcript. Please complete the same evaluation process.

(insert transcript 5)

PROMPT 7.Now, please compile the evaluations for all candidates, for all criteria into a table.

PROMPT 8.Now, please add the scores for each criteria element, for each candidate, and give them a score by adding up all of their individual criteria scores. Then rank the candidates from highest score to least.

PROMPT 9.Now, can you please explain why the top candidate outperformed the others?


Follow along with my campaign and check out I'm confident there are multiple ways to work with the province to lower our property taxes on par with Halifax, and spark the housing construction boom we need. When I met with Tim Houston, he told me my message to him about our economic indicators was a big part of what compelled him to offer $15 Million more to the CBRM. Now, we need to get back to that economic discussion, and bring back the $15 million and more. But, this time, we'll be ready to invest it wisely.

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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
This analysis is actually more meaningful than some people might think. Politicians are known to talk a lot but not actually say anything. The lack of substance becomes much more clear when you read text transcripts of what they said. Watching a person live or on video can muddy our interpretation of what is being said because our brains are picking up other cues. But when you read the text, it can be quite surprising how it no longer makes sense. I've listened to the CBC interviews that you used to create the transcripts and I'm not surprised that you came out on top with the analysis. I heard some of the other candidate say some things on those interviews that would instantly turn voters off if they read a text transcript of them.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
It’s a great exercise. The other candidates, like myself, can make a lot of improvements based on it. For instance, the model seemed to dislike Clarke’s “getting back to basics” line as it recognized it was a speaking point without explanation. A Dal professor once told my class: if you “core dump” everything you’ve memorized onto your exam questions without showing a real understanding of what is being asked, you get a zero.

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