Joe Ward’s Mayoral Game Plan: Recruiting Key Advisors? [VIDEO]

Are you tired of politicians who are "in the pocket" of others? I am.

Well, how about this? Today, I'll introduce you to *some* of the people who I've identified as having the kind of information and skillsets that I'll need to access in order to be successful as your next mayor. Don't tell them just yet... they don't know. But, I have my eye on them as my strategic advisors! 🤫


To be fair, yes, I’m in the pocket too—of the citizens like you who deserve a representative working for them.

P.S. I do things differently. When my advisors are meeting with me, you'll know who it is, when it's happening, and what the topic of discussion is. That's real transparency in action.

P.P.S. Who else do you recommend to me as great strategic advisors?

I'm Joe Ward, a candidate for CBRM mayor on October 19th, and I share my ideas and views on the public record for you to find out who I am and what I have to offer. Vote for good plans, not lawn signs.


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Follow along with my campaign and check out I'm confident there are multiple ways to work with the province to lower our property taxes on par with Halifax, and spark the housing construction boom we need. When I met with Tim Houston, he told me my message to him about our economic indicators was a big part of what compelled him to offer $15 Million more to the CBRM. Now, we need to get back to that economic discussion, and bring back the $15 million and more. But, this time, we'll be ready to invest it wisely.

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
This tactic is pathetic and nothing more than attempting get get followers of these folks to vote for you.To name drop these folks as you did gives the appearance that they are endorsing you and as of now we don't know if that's the case as you clearly stated you did not check with these people before producing this video.Im sure there are people scratching their heads over this and likely some actually offended.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
This is certainly not an endorsement list, and is not presented as such. There are many people in this list that I am routinely critical of—and very clearly so. There’s no way those individuals would endorse me. My premise was made very clear in the video when I say “it’s not about me,” and that I know they will help when asked by the mayor—on behalf of the community. How many mayoral candidates will tell you their influences and who will be their key go to resources? Yep, I know. There’s a reason why. And you know what it is. This is what real transparency looks like, and I’m just getting started. Whether it be auditing past in-camera meetings, or giving the public the ability to tell how mayor and council are doing with a report card they can’t hide from. Once again, they were clearly indicated as people I would seek as advisors, never once was it said there was an endorsement. Very different things—as you well know.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Hi Joe. I'm flattered to be included in your list. Wow! Looking at my fellow "advisors," I'm surprised I made the cut! A couple of suggestions: I would find a few new Canadians who have started businesses and add them to your list. These folks have fresh eyes and a very different perspective on what it takes to startup and operate a successful business in the CBRM. And they are an increasingly important part of our community. Also, I would not rule out some of the old guard who have spent their lives investing and operating enterprises in the CBRM. You may not always agree with them, but they have valuable insights to share on how to get things done in a. complex political environment. At the end of the day, you don't have to be co-opted, and having more conversations is generally a better strategy IMO. Interesting videos. Keep 'em coming!
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I've always counted on you to have very astute take on the local community. And you're a doer! Definitely the type of guidance I'll need more of. GREAT suggestions. New Canadians or new CBRMers aren't burdened by a sense of local limitation or regional myopia. Just as they see new possibilities, from a fresh perspective, they can also identify some stuff that gets in their way. Much of the list was focused on people I either know personally, or know from observing what they've be up to. I specifically included politicians who have perspectives to offer in areas I'll need to navigate, even if I'm often disapproving of the moves they make in party politics. There's huge value in having folks I often disagree with, and folks I know would set me straight in 60 seconds or less. ;) For instance, someone like Comer is a fast-rising star of the NSPC party, but was a willing participant in the arguments with the CBRM over Bill 340 and the highway policing debacle. But, that would never stop me from simply asking him: Why? What went wrong? From a privileged position as mayor. I won't get those answers now. With that said, the list is incomplete. I thought of more people immediately.

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