John Lohr's Tax Rate is 0.85...CBRM's is 2.266. Raise our Taxes??

EQUALIZATION GROUP SENDS OPEN LETTER TO COUNCIL 14 Nov 2023 To CBRM mayor and council, In 30 years of fighting for equalization fairness for the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) and Cape Breton, the one comment that is ignored at all costs by politicians is that the transfer is made up of five categories. The one category the Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness is seeking is “Municipal Deficiency Related to Tax Capacity and Misc. Revenues.” This year alone that amount is over $600 million, and it is solely generated by the poor fiscal capacity of the “have not” municipalities in Nova Scotia. That is most of rural Nova Scotia excluding the HRM, Chester and Town of Antigonish. So, why do you allow the province to give us $15 million when we are due $300 million (according to the provinces own numbers, not ours) Equalization is not meant to be a perpetual gift to a receiving province. The Canadian taxpayers (federal) are funding this province decade after decade with funding the CBRM never receives. This is on purpose and you all know that whether you admit it or not. Keep us poor and get more next year. Have any of you read section 36 of the Constitution of Canada? The next time you are front and center with Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston, read it out loud to him and ask him where this money is being spent in Nova Scotia because it is crystal clear that they are not following the constitution, which is supposed to be the supreme law of Canada. When Nova Scotia Housing Minister John Lohr tells you that you have room to raise our property taxes even more, ask him what his property tax rate is because according to the province, it is 0.85 residential and 2.29 commercial compared to our (Sydney) 2.266 residential and 5.457 commercial. Then tell him to go to hell! (No more niceties from the NSEF from now on. Being respectful gets you nowhere when dealing with politicians.) If you need support to fight for equalization fairness, we are your best friends. We will organize and get hundreds if not thousands of protestors on the streets, but it is up to you as our municipal representatives to stop playing party politics and start listening to the facts. There is a reason why the politicians ignore the one category we are fighting for, which is now 23.7 per cent of the total transfer of $2.803 billion, and that is because there is no argument. They just choose to ignore it and that allows them to continue to misappropriate our funding. To the community members, if our mayor and council ask for our help to come together and protest, we should and we should be strong in numbers. Get your friends and families organized and show up to fight for this island and municipality because it is apparent that those we elect to represent us provincially and federally will not and have not. It is up to us. Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun, Sydney Charles Sampson, Sydney Forks Russ Green, Howie Centre (on behalf of Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness)

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Joe Ward Follow Me
As housing is a key issue right now, it must not be lost on them that higher tax rates also create higher rental rates, and lower the incentive of investment. It's interesting that Houston and the Feds realized that dropping GST/HST on new apartment construction could be an incentive. If taxes are a disincentive, then they must recognize that *higher* taxes are more of a disincentive, particularly for investors who are not tied to any particular location. If you were going to build 100 units, for income and then sale of the asset, where should it be? If an investor was looking at the HRM versus the CBRM, there are some key metrics that push the deals to Halifax—at the expense of growth in our tax base.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Great points Joe. What boggles the mind is that in the HRM, the residents have everything at their finger tips and the best services a government can provide so why do they half the taxes that we pay. Is this an agenda 21 thing? Herd everyone into cities to make it cheaper for government to deliver services. It does not make sense that a 3 bedroom home in Halifax pays $1400 per year in taxes and a 2 bedroom home in rural CBRM pays $4000 with no water, no sewer, no sidewalks, no fire hydrants, etc. Then equalization is provided to a receiving province to combat this very problem but then it is not used for the intended purpose by every provincial government in Nova Scotia. The hard pill to swallow is when the Liberal recently had the nerve to tell Nova Scotians that there was a $230 million surplus one particular year and it was all being spent on luxury infrastructure in Halifax. This issue needs to be set out before a judge and jury and soon. 30 years of misappropriation does not make it ok to continue the practice. Great point on the tax base Joe but they do not want us to improve our fiscal capacity as that will lower the equalization sent to the province.
Joe Ward Follow Me
We suffer from the a vicious cycle: Taxes are too high > Tax base growth lags > Taxes Increase to make up for lag > (Repeat) If the theory that they don't actually want to invest in us, to use us to *mine* Equalization funding to the province, then there clearly is no reason to interrupt that cycle (from their perspective). Otherwise, we definitely have the means to do so, as a province. The resources are there. So, Halifax accelerates, their tax base grows, and their taxes can be held lower. And the gap should just keep getting wider and wider. Bill 340 didn't really take us closer to sustainability. It's a bandaid for a year or two. They should take over our entire police force and take $28 Million off of our books.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Your comment " *mine* Equalization funding " is golden. That is a better term to be using. Do you mind if we run with that term Joe? We can owe you the royalties for using it. LOL It is a perfect way to reach the rest of the province, especially using the "Mining" term. Because that is exactly what they are doing. Awesome phrase and its not surprising that it came from you.
Joe Ward Follow Me
If it's helpful, it's yours. Based on the books from Robert Morgan, we've always been kind of a resource to exploit, for the mainland.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Why not redefine "Equalization" for CBRM use or better yet let's drop the word altogether.In the real world EQUALIZATION happens when you elect good honest politicians with personality and charisma and turn them loose on Halifax and Ottawa and in some cases world wide looking for investors and opportunities.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Interesting enough, the provincial "municipal capacity grant" was renamed by the provincial Liberals, when it formerly was referred to as equalization, and this was because the NSEF and their supporters were putting so much pressure on them. They wanted to argue that there should be no pass through of the federal Equalization funding, and that wasn't what the grant was, therefore, there was no reason to add anything to it. If they don't like the term, that's the best reason to keep it! ;) Basically, by renaming it, they were attempting to gaslight the public. Ya, sure, it was called that... but that's not really what it was...
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Now we know you are a troll because only a troll for the government would want the word "equalization" dropped. What would you rename the section 36 of the Canadian Constitution (Equalization and Regional Disparities)? You make so many silly comments and you like to ignore the governments own facts with regards to equalization. Why don't you stop hiding behind a fake account while you impose your one sided comments against the politicians of this area. Until you agree to do a podcast in the full view of the public, no one should listen to you because you make no sense with your silly comments.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Typical of a troll. You can dish it out with your nasty comments but can not take it yourself. We are sure that the people who you make your "nasty" comments against think the same.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Just curious......When you say people shouldn't listen to me....Do you mean like politicians don't listen to you?
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Well now, doesn't that sound like it is right out of the mouth of a politician or in your case a "TROLL" for the politicians. Politicians look after themselves not the people who elect them. For them, it is all about the pension....for you, its all about your opinion.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
So all politicians are bad? I don't believe that. Like any group of people,some are good,some are not.With an attitude like yours no wonder you've been whining for 30 years with no results other than having politicians block or ignore you.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Our attitude? Take a look at some of your recent comments: We've seen the mayor's priorities on many issues: -be sneaky wherever possible to keep citizens confused -spend spare time attempting to convince citizens she's always right I don't know how most folks think but I see the priority as serving the !!!! and CBRM's elected officials and senior administration spend money and budget like drunken sailors.They were also asleep at the wheel in terms of negotiating with Lohr.Then the icing on the cake was the mayor picking a fight with Halifax in the media.Someone should have told her to"take it inside".Where did any of this get them? a pickle. The above are your comments Raymond. You seem to pick on the mayor and council a lot with your comments. The only one we are disrespectful to, are trolls like yourself who hid behind anonymity and bash certain politicians in the name of party politics. Again. Do a podcast with us and have your say, there without hiding behind a fake profile. What are you afraid of?
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
I'm proud of my comments because folks can identify with them as they are not shrouded in bla,bla bla. Oh,by the way.........that protest you are threatening,I'll go out on a limb and guess that you will attract enough people to fit in a phone booth.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Everything you say is Bla Bla Bla. The NSEF had a thousand people on the street at one of our protests but your self centered personality probably does not believe that because you we not there. Superman comes out of the phonebooths, you troll. Team Follow Me
Let's ease up on the personal comments.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Ray, the politicians are listening, it is true not enough of the public are listening yet. As taxes keep going higher, then we’ll see what happens. Politicians are quickly adjusting to the corrupt political system, the money is the drug. NESF is not “whining” as you state but merely providing the facts of the government and the illegality the legal system has gone to to prevent their manipulation of this constitutional funding from being heard before a trial judge setting. So Ray, the legal path to remedy this illegality has not yet been exhausted. The SCOC decided not to decide on the application at that time and because of a resent appointment to the court from Nova Scotia.
[comment deleted] Posted
Bill Fiander Follow Me
The idea of changing a term has been done before, with differing results. This is a good spot to put such ideas out there to see if they're doable. If it isn't a good idea, at least it's been put out there to digest. It's how things change when ideas are forthcoming.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
But in this instance it has a constitutional connection, which governments have gone to extreme limits to ignore.
Christine Bonnar Follow Me
I for one have never experienced a more UNFAIR property tax system. Moving here 9 years ago was a rude awakening. I called four times to city hall to ask the question of what the taxes were on a home we were thinking of buying…..answer was we don’t know yet. That boggled my mind because we would be able to get that information instantly where we lived at the time and know what the property tax was on the home you were thinking of getting. Now I know why…..because it would all depend on what you paid for the house and then they would times it by this outrageous calculation followed by the sticker shock. The previous homeowner was paying $2000.00 and we received a tax bill of over $3,600.00. Now today over $4,000.00. How is seniors living on pension that doe not change able to keep up? The fact that John Lohr had the nerve and gull to tell us that the taxes could be raised to 16% makes me so angry smoke is coming out of my ears!! The amount that is being taxed to business is another, “out of this world” amount! Why in hell would any new business want to come to Cape Breton??? We just can’t seem to catch a break with the lack of equalization funds. There has to be some reasoning of why every government insists on keeping us financially strapped. If we had more money coming into the CBRM, thus are property taxes would go down, but unless we all speak up, this will never happen…..WE ARE OUR WORST ENEMY
Joe Ward Follow Me
They could have: 1. Looked up the capped assessment of the home prior to your purchase and applied the tax rate for its location to verify current taxes, and 2. Told you the tax rate for the location, suggesting that one year after purchase the taxes would be the purchase price times that tax rate. Very simple. I think that it should be mandatory disclosure, with signatures of prospective buyers and the real estate agent, at the time an offer is being made. There is zero reason for new home buyers to know have a very accurate estimate of the taxes they will face.
Trevor Currie Follow Me
Over the last 30 plus years, the governments of Nova Scotia, the Liberal, the Conservatives and the New Democratic Parties, have been playing a game and Cape Breton Island has not been invited to partake. The game is called “Take The Money and Run”. The money being The Nova Scotia Equalization Fund and Run meaning use the money to get re-elected. There are rules, as set out by section 36 of the Canadian Constitution, but with the help of our Federal Government, our local Members of Parliament, our local Members of The Nova Scotia Legislature and the Courts of Nova Scotia the rules are ignored. The game is simple, perhaps that's why politicians excel at it. How to play: Every four years an election takes place and the winner of that election gets to take the money. Game over. How to win. Use the Nova Scotia Equalization Fund (The money) and pour it in the Electoral Districts within the Greater Halifax Area. It's that easy. It's all about math. Seats in NS :Legislature 55 Seats needed for a majority 28 Seats within Greater Halifax Area 26 Seats needed to pick up 2 (most likely in of all places Cape Berton(Yes Cape Breton) For the politicians it's all about “political self- preservation” .
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Trevor Currie nails it right on the head. We wish everyone understood the situation like you Trevor. Do you mind if we use your comment on other platforms? You Rock.....

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