Join Mentor Connect! We're looking for startups eager to learn.

Starting and/or growing a business venture can be challenging. We believe ventures are far more likely to succeed when an entrepreneur can draw guidance from a group of mentors with extensive experience.

Starting or growing a business venture is an exciting time. Sometimes, the process of converting your idea into a business or growing your company can be difficult because it often requires expertise in a range of different areas. This is where Mentor Connect can help! We will connect you with key individuals that best fit your current guidance needs to help you succeed.

Our Criteria:

  • Business venture must be a company based in Cape Breton – Mulgrave
  • Venture should be innovation or export focused
  • Entrepreneur must be eager to learn and progress their start-up or company growth based on the advice from a group of mentors
  • Entrepreneur must complete and submit reports to the Mentor Connect office on a timely basis

Apply directly online or for additional information contact:

Katelyn MacDonald, Office Manager

(w) 902-625-0958 or [email protected]

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Get connected with a team of experienced volunteer mentors who will meet with you regularly to listen, coach, and provide advice.
Business Mentorships Seeking to be Mentored Business Mentorships Willing to be a Mentor Location CBRM Location Inverness Location Richmond Location Victoria


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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Thanks for sharing Bob. We have added some more TAGS and FEATURED your post to give it more visibility. Let's make good things happen in Cape Breton!
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Shared across my LinkedIn and Twitter for you Bob. I also applied. Time to seek some outside support.
Bob Pelley My Post Follow Me
That's great Chris. You should hear from the program coordinator very soon.

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