Join Us For Free Ladies Fitness Introduction To CROSSFIT

Ladies! This weekend we are hosting a fitness introduction and information session at CrossFit Per Ardua.

The goal of these two sessions (Saturday & Sunday) is to help you understand what CrossFit is and how we can help you achieve your fitness goals.

We understand there are lots of questions in regards to what we do and we also understand there is a certain amount of intimidation, and we want to bust those myths and help show you just what we are about! We have had so many success stories that we want to help spread the fitness love even more.

If you are looking for a new place to train and call home, or looking for a change, these sessions are for you!

There are NO PRESSURE sales, NO OBLIGATION to join, you don't even have to take part in the workout (although it will be awesome) and we won't even spam your email!

We are simply opening up the gym to you to help you understand what we do, how you can benefit and show you just how awesome our community is! It is 100% FREE.

The sessions will be lead by our female coaches at CrossFit Per Ardua, who combined have years and years of fitness, nutrition and training experience.

Come out, have some fun! Send us a message to get involved. The sessions are no pressure, no intimidation sessions designed for anyone of any physical shape, size or fitness ability.

You have nothing to lose! If you attend, you will receive a discount on our On Ramp program if you choose to continue!

The two sessions will be different, so please come to both!

CrossFit Per Ardua

340 Keltic Drive, Unit F

Sydney, NS, Canada

[email protected]


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