Deana Lloy designs custom tartans and makes kilts from a studio in her home in Sydney. Through her company Red Label Kilts & Tartan Design, Deana has designed kilts for Dartmouth, City of Lakes and Colchester, NS, and has 12 designs registered with the Scottish Register of Tartans.
Deana Lloy
Photo by Anita Clemens
“Kilts take 16 to 24 hours each to make, and I’m currently working 12 hour days to keep up with the orders,” said Deana. “I’m looking for space in the downtown core and hoping to hire a couple of people so I can grow the business.”
As well as individual orders, Deana supplies kilts to pipe bands and the Canadian military. She also creates tartan fashion accessories, like handbags and jewellery.
For more information, visit the Red Label Kilts & Tartan Design Facebook page.
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