Labi Kousoulis' Housing Affordability & Accessibility Strategy

A Better Way Forward

Housing Affordability & Accessibility Strategy

Access to safe, secure, and affordable housing is a right for every Nova Scotian. In my campaign to become the next Premier of Nova Scotia, I’ve been hearing about the ongoing challenges residents are facing, and discussing potential solutions that will help tackle this pressing issue.

The provincial government must play a leading role and bring all stakeholders together to address ongoing housing challenges. That’s why I’m pleased to announce four measures I would bring forward as Premier on housing:

Putting a Cap on Rent Increases

I will implement a rent cap on all existing leases limiting increases to 4% per year. This cap will be in place for the next 4 years while we review other housing strategies and the housing market. This measure will continue to encourage new housing developments while protecting tenants from high annual rent increases.

Purpose Built Housing Support

As Premier our government will provide funding subsidies specific to developing purpose-built seniors housing and co-ops. I have heard about the need for these in many regions across Nova Scotia, and every region will be able to take part in accessing these programs. Seniors and others must have access to the right housing in their own communities. I will also have an emphasis on working with non-profits who are building affordable housing units across Nova Scotia.

Provincial Committee on Housing

I will form a committee of housing advocates, the private sector, and municipal and provincial stakeholders. It will include representation from Cape Breton, Indigenous communities, accessibility advocates, and others.

This committee will review and recommend additional measures that our government can implement to further address housing availability and supply. Topics will include municipal/provincial taxation, inclusionary zoning, density bonusing, and streamlining the development application process to reduce red tape.

Assisting Homeless Nova Scotians

Homelessness continues to be a major challenge for many Nova Scotians. As Premier, I will invest in shelters and ensure they provide essential wraparound supports as well. In the short to medium term, I will continue our COVID-19 program of renting hotel and motel rooms to temporarily house those in need during these troubling times.

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