
Leadership & Management Training - Made in Cape Breton Innovation

Hey Cape Breton, this is Mathew Georghiou, founder of goCapeBreton.com (a subsidiary of MediaSpark).  

My team at MediaSpark and I have invested 20 years and millions of dollars creating something new that’s never been done before.

We’ve created what we believe to be the fastest and most effective business management and leadership training that has ever been invented. What used to take years of education and on-the-job experience can now be achieved in weeks with our methodology.

That seems like a bold claim, I know. 

But, we’ve spent many years building, testing, and perfecting our training methodology with thousands of instructors and millions of learners around the world. 

Our training methodology has been applied in schools, universities, nonprofits, government agencies, businesses, and Fortune 500 companies. Three of the top banks in Canada use our methodology (although most of our customers are outside of Canada). 

We’ve been quietly working away here at our office on Charlotte Street in Sydney. Although, since Covid, most of our team has been working from their homes in Glace Bay, North Sydney, Sydney Mines, Mira, Cape Dauphin, and throughout Sydney.

This is an innovation made in Cape Breton and exported to the world.

The purpose of my message is to let everyone know that our training is now ready and available.  

It’s quite rare for us to work with local customers, but we would love for our innovation to benefit Cape Breton Island as much as possible. Our training is also available for individuals who want to enhance their business skills or level up their careers.

Our training program is called businessXP, where the XP stands for “experience”. 

The reason businessXP is so unique and innovative is described in a video on our website at business-XP.com

If businessXP might fit your needs, we would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading!

Mathew Georghiou

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Andreas Weber-Paetow Follow Me
Sounds very well! Also abroad, I'll try to remember it!! Did you have a summary what will be at this program?? Happy New Year from Karlsruhe to goCapebreton.com !🤗
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Thanks Andreas. Program information is at this website — business-XP.com
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
This is great Matthew. Please keep us in the loop of what goes on! Happy New Year!
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Thank you, Lynn :-)

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