Letter from the Sydney Santa Claus Parade Committee

Hello our fellow festive friends,
We wanted to share a short note with the community. This year's Sydney Santa Claus Parade is being hosted by a very small group of volunteers from the Sydney Business Community. We have no association with the CBRM or the Sydney Downtown Development Association.
This group was formed when we discovered that there would not be a parade hosted in Sydney this year. It broke our hearts knowing that we as a community would have yet another year without the parade which signifies the kick-off of the holiday season for many. Inspired by other local community organizations who are hosting parades in their districts, we thought, "Why can't we take a page from their books and do that too?" On such short notice, we managed to pull together what we hope will be a great community event for the 2022 holiday season.
With this in mind, any questions or concerns can be directed to [email protected]. We kindly ask anyone directing concerns to other organizations come to us instead.
Lastly, we recognize that some communities are feeling left out of the celebrations. We hear you, and we want you to feel as joyful as we do about the parade marching through the streets. We're sorry that we could not accommodate each community on such short notice, but we sincerely hope that you'll join us for this year's parade as we move toward a bigger, brighter, and more inclusive plan for next year.
Thank you,
The Sydney Santa Claus Parade Committee

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Bill Goldston Follow Me
That's awesome. Thanks for stepping up to create some holiday smiles.
[comment deleted] Posted

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