Library delay is unwarranted and irresponsible

Further delay of a new library is unwarranted and irresponsible.

Allow me to start with a quote from the Canadian Urban Libraries Council where in its recent report; The Case for Canada’s Public Libraries it states, “Public Libraries are one of our most important national assets. Libraries are crucial community anchors in every neighbourhood, in cities and smaller communities, performing essential community work, and the demands placed on them are only increasing. This report captures the ongoing evolution of libraries’ roles across Canada, and calls upon all our leaders to make investments in their future.” 

I’ve followed with interest the on-going dialogue on the need and justification for a new-expanded public library. It pains me that this debate is still active, as it has been 17 years since the Needs Assessment and Master Facilities Plan to replace the McConnell library was completed. Shame on all current and past Mayors and Councillors for their lack of vision and failure to bring this initiative forward. I wonder how many have read the excellent work outlined in the above noted Plan.

I wonder, as well, is the failure to act due to the long held “it’s good enough” mantra that’s fostered a deep and lasting immaturity in Cape Breton’s inability to accept new ideas and move onward in a proud and positive manner. I believe “it’s good enough” manifests in spades in our CBRM elected officials. The decades delay in moving forward with a new library offers ample evidence that council and the mayoralty chair should be renewed every 2 terms. There should be a mandatory 2 term limit and a move from district based representation to Councillors at large. That way, our elected officers must represent the larger community rather than take a narrow parochial view reflected by my “district”.
I’ve seen countless excellent letters to the editor written by talented and caring individuals who see the fundamental value in a modern library. In the 25 years or so since moving here from New Brunswick, I’ve yet to see one letter or rebuttal from a Mayor or elected official as to why we don’t deserve a new library. Seriously; stop sitting behind muted microphones and get on with your responsibility or get out of the way.

Modern functioning libraries are a focus point for new comers and are a welcoming and safe place for the poor and disenfranchised. You’ll always find a welcome at the McConnell library, be it to use the washroom or to job-seek using one of the public internet gateways. Excellent staff offer hints and personal expertise in finding information be it on site or through their premium digital gateway. Try getting help at other public institutions…for example, you need to ring a bell outside the Police Headquarters building before being invited to enter!

Mayor and Council, please exercise the leadership entrusted to your office and approve a new Library for our current and future citizens. Further delay is unwarranted and irresponsible.

Martin MacLellan
Sydney River

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
I agree with you 100%.Many CBRM residents want and deserve a new library which nowadays is much more than just books but a cultural center in modern cities all over the globe.However,here's the bad news: we are never gonna get one as long as we elect politicians who feel it's their mandate to criticize our bankers in Halifax and Ottawa,often in public.Some do it to satisfy special interest groups,some for a high five in a tavern or coffee shop or some because they just don't know any better.This nonsense has gotten into the minds of both citizens and Municipal reps alike........ we gotta fight,fight,fight/embarass/shame and bite the hand that feeds us.It never worked and never will and if it continues we all lose.We have a chance with this election to start eliminating {gonna take a while} this mindset.It's killing us.Common sense,diplomacy,and leadership is desparatelly needed in the Civic Center.
Great article Martin and our advice is to you is ignore the comment made by Raymond MacDonald who we believe is a government troll by his comments. Raymond MacDonald thinks we should do the same thing over and over (the definition of insanity) and keep the status quo going. Raymond likes to slam the CBRM municipal government and blame our problems on them just like a government hack would do to try and discredit our mayor and council. The reality is this municipality operates on $170 million per year and a comparable size municipality anywhere in Canada would have over $400 million to operate a similar size municipality.. This shortfall is the very reason why equalization is sent to Nova Scotia in the first place. We generate the funding and the province keeps us in a position to keep generating more and more. Christine Tanner (a former school teacher from Westmount) wrote an article a few years back about how the HRM's library was way above and beyond in design and costs. She wrote about how unfair that was to the communities who need a new library. like the CBRM. The architectural design alone cost was more than the cost to build our new library at that time. You do make a valid point Martin the CBRM should commit to a new library and possibly the funding would appear, perhaps at election time like we are used to seeing. Raymond MacDonald was obviously not paying attention to the NSEF over the previous 25 years when we were 100% respectful to the politicians and that was getting us no where. About 5 years ago the gloves came off when the NSEF Board members voted to start to do things differently. Since then we have seen over a billion in investment in the CBRM by government and nothing for the prior 3 decades. Raymond refuses to debate publicly on his stance so he should not be taken seriously as he is not willing to put his money where his mouth is. Keep up the great work Martin as the community needs your input.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Well said, Martin! Thanks for sharing.

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