Life At L'Arche

Published on Oct 27, 2014.

L’Arche believes that everyone, regardless of ability or disability, has the right to life, to care, to a home, to education, to a spiritual life, and to the dignity of meaningful work. To ensure these rights, the L’Arche Cape Breton community operates day programs where the gifts and contributions of all 25 core members are recognized and appreciated. These programs include a craft studio, two used clothing stores, an organic garden, and a café and bakery. We also have our own chapel and a house of welcome and retreat. We choose to live relationships in a Christian community as a sign that hope, love and unity in diversity are possible. This video gives viewers a glimpse into life at life at L’Arche Cape Breton.

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L’Arche believes that everyone, regardless of ability or disability, has the right to life, to care, to a home, to education, to a spiritual life, and to ...
Directory Association, Charity, Group, Nonprofit Social Services


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