@goCapeBreton Twitter Contest Winners Announced!

Here are the PRIZE WINNERS from our November 2015 Twitter Contest. We will contact the Winners directly to deliver the prizes.  

@borderfilms - $25 Amazon

@TheScamson9 - $20 Subway

@Evan_Perry - $50 GoVenturegames.com 

@NewDawnIdeas - $50 GoVenturegames.com 

@RodneyChaisson - $50 GoVenturegames.com 

@missalixred - goCapeBreton.com Tshirt

@SusanMacLean1 - goCapeBreton.com Tshirt

@KellyPrattPeach -  goCapeBreton.com Tshirt

@MiddleRiverFish - goCapeBreton.com Tshirt

@jerrottemma - goCapeBreton.com Tshirt

Didn't win this time? Do you just want someone to give you a free gift? Ok, done. goCapeBreton.com is going to give you free gifts. Yup! This is not a contest. But you have to be a MEMBER to claim your gift, so get registered now and be ready for when we announce our first gifts soon because the early bird gets the gift.  Find out more at https://capebreton.lokol.me/about/gifts

Win a gift card, board game, or one of our exclusive T-shirts!  10 prizes to be won.  

All you have to do is LIKE the @goCapeBreton.com Twitter feed.  Click here to do it now.

@goCapeBreton.com tweets about local Cape Breton news, events, jobs, and more!

On November 15th, 2015 we will draw 10 names from among all of our Twitter FOLLOWERS (including past followers) to win one of these prizes:

  • $25 Amazon gift card (1 winner)
  • $20 Subway gift card (1 winner)
  • $50 GoVentureGames.com  gift card (3 winners) 
  • goCapeBreton.com T-Shirt (5 winners)

Winner names will be published on goCapeBreton.com, our Facebook page, and in our Twitter feed

But remember, to enter you must FOLLOW OUR TWITTER FEED 

Tell your friends!


Contest Rules

  • Winners will be contacted by email or Twitter to make arrangements to receive their prizes.  Winners must respond within 1 week to claim their prizes.
  • Winners agree to have their names published on goCapeBreton.com and other goCapeBreton.com social media.
  • Because of prohibitive international shipping costs, T-Shirt winners who are located outside of Canada will be awarded a $15 gift card instead of a T-Shirt.
  • This contest is not affiliated with or endorsed by Amazon, Subway, or GoVentureGames.com 
  • All currencies are in Canadian dollars.

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