Local Businesses Dropping The Gloves In The Name Of Community

Hockey Fans!

The NHL playoffs are here and the Leafs and Bruins are squaring off in the first round. The winner...Cancer Patients in need in Cape Breton.

Jeff McDonald of Aucoin Renovations Ltd. and Advanced Insulation Services and Scott Morrison of Flavor Cape Breton are dropping the gloves in the name of community. The two got together yesterday to make this friendly wager official.

Both Scott and Jeff will be making a $1,000 donation to the Because You Care Cup. If Toronto wins the series, Jeff will be joining Scott in wearing a Toronto jersey in the cheque presentation picture. If Boston wins the series, Scott will be joining Jeff in wearing a Boston jersey in the cheque presentation picture.

But, it gets better. If you’re a Toronto fan, you can make a donation and grow Scott’s gift or if you’re a Boston fan you can donate to grow Jeff’s donation. You can make the gift by calling 902-567-7752, email [email protected] or make a gift online at www.becauseyoucare.ca/donate

Make sure to reference “Leafs” or “Bruins” when making your donation so we know who’s side you’re on.

Let’s show Cape Breton how much we care and how much we love our teams. Make your gift today, because you care.

The 5th Annual Because You Care Cup, presented by Aucoin Renovations and Advanced Insulation Services, will be held September 15th and 16th in Membertou. All money raised will be supporting Cancer Care in Cape Breton. https://bit.ly/2qtCOy9

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