Local Gift Shop Selling Vintage Cape Breton Oilers Merchandise

Long-time Cape Breton Oiler fans will soon be able to purchase vintage merchandise at The Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop in downtown Sydney. The Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop, which is a social enterprise that directs all proceeds back to programming at Breton Ability Centre, recently completed an agreement with the National Hockey League (NHL) that will allows the gift shop to sell a limited quantity of Cape Breton Oilers apparel.

“Our customers have been asking us for Cape Breton Oilers merchandise for quite some time and we’re absolutely thrilled to be able to offer a limited quantity of hats, t-shirts, hoodies and tank tops,” says David Farmer, Senior Manager of Community and Business Development at Breton Ability Centre and who oversees The Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop. “100% of our profits from the store go straight back to the Breton Ability Centre Charitable Foundation in order to support programming and opportunities for our residents, like music therapy, yoga classes, trips to Cape Breton Screaming Eagles games and so much more.”

As of this week, the merchandise will be available for purchase at The Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop located on Bentick Street, downtown Sydney and as well online at www.bestofcbgiftshop.ca. Because of the limited quantity available and the anticipated demand, customers are encouraged to shop early, especially with the upcoming holiday season around the corner.

“At the Breton Ability Centre, we provide support and opportunities for individuals with disabilities so that they can reach their full potential, including employment, recreation, and learning and development opportunities” says Farmer. “We rely on our community’s generosity to offer such programs which help to improve and enrich the quality of life for the individuals we support. One of the big ways our community has shown us support has been through shopping at our Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop and we’re so grateful and look forward to growing our customer base with these exciting new products.”

From 1988 to 1996, the Cape Breton Oilers were part of the American Hockey League (AHL) and called Centre 200 in Sydney home. The Cape Breton Oilers were the primary farm team for the Edmonton Oilers and won the Calder Cup during the 1992-1993 American Hockey League season.

The Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop, located in beautiful downtown Sydney Nova Scotia, offers gifts and products made in and related to Cape Breton and the Maritimes and is a proud social enterprise of Breton Ability Centre.

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