
The Demise of Local News In Cape Breton — And Our Solution VIDEO

Hey Cape Breton, I have some thoughts to share with you on local news — in this video:

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Beatrice Wadden Follow Me
So true. Hiding the obituaries behind a paywall is pathetic. Many people who don’t get the paper from away looked forward to them. 😕
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[comment deleted] Posted
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
JUST RIDICULOUS:Not one so called regular media source questioned how our Elected 13,with likely little or no related financial training or experience could approve a $257 Million Dollar budget{operating and capital} in less than one day.There are families out here who take that long to put together a household budget.Why wouldn't our reporters question that?????
Glen Moffatt Follow Me
What is going on with your Facebook page, it says it won't be available, reload, and then repeats. You cannot view it!
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Glen, our Facebook page may or may not load for you because of how Facebook blocks local news pages. This started last August. If you follow/like our goCapeBreton.com page, Facebook will still show the posts on your timeline. You can also sign up for a free membership on our website here and get our news email each morning (or week). That's what many people are doing. Here is more info -- https://capebreton.lokol.me/email
Glen Moffatt Follow Me
Thank you for getting back to me. It is really terrifying to see news coverage basically dying in front of us, right before our eyes, isn't it? We, as a people, are in some serious crap here, as far as our voices being heard. So, has this Facebook thing with news essentially shut down pages like yours even though you are not in the news business, only the INFO business, unless I am wrong here, and I am not judging either, I appreciate what your organization is doing and I do consider it news whenever I learn something I did not know! Oh, and by the way, I am already a member Matthew and have been for a long time.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Yes, Facebook is blocking all links that go to any website that appears to create or share local news in Canada. Google was threatening to do the same, but last November came to an agreement with the Canadian government to pay $100 million to publishers like Saltwire, PostMedia, etc. My main concern about local news is not having investigative journalism. I've seen a lot of shady stuff in Cape Breton over the years and good journalism helps deter it. But the only investigative journalism we have had in Cape Breton has been with the Cape Breton Spectator (which is currently paused, unfortunately). Our big newspapers have mainly just reported news, rarely asking the right questions. In terms of reporting, I think we citizens can do that ourselves — and do it better than any single new source can afford to do. That's why we created goCapeBreton.com We have occasionally created local news content, but our main focus has been allowing others to share their news. We might decide someday to create more local news — but that has to be supported with more advertising (or alternatively paid subscription). Thanks for being a member!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Spectator was great and so is this platform.Kind of a combo of the two with a makeover might work.
MB Whitcomb Follow Me
The loss of ways to communicate in a republic/democratic society should greatly alarm everyone. With the push to do things like sell off and develop public lands to profiteers, we have no way to stay informed and fight for the things we care about. Facebook is allowing clever marketing groups to shove corporate graft down our throats. We need to speak up.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
Unfortunately in today's world, few people are interested in being accurately informed, and fewer still are willing to pay for it. Thus, they spend their time in various social media 'bubbles' where they feed each other misinformation or ridiculous speculations and think everyone agrees with them. It's ironic that, at a time where every piece of information in the history of the world is available in 20 seconds via Google, citizens are less informed than ever.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
I dropped the CB POST a year ago due to several years of excessive and messed up billing,always in their favour.Since then I follow this site which keeps me as up to date on local issues as I ever was before.

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