Local Non-Profit Disinformation

I have to make this statement so it is clear that I am not seen as harassing our elected officials or any groups of people: The following is political commentary related to community damaging and people harming policies that need to be reversed for the betterment of "all CBRM". This article is about recent unsanctioned decisions and actions in CBRM that are causing real community issues and can most likely be correlated to deaths and injuries, that's all.

The behavior of directors in nonprofit organizations is regulated by the corporations act of Canada. Although, nonprofit organizations that operate in our local small communities shouldn't need laws to behave properly, IMHO. But the laws are there and directors can be removed and nonprofit status revoked, I suppose. Now that this general comment is put out there let's move on to what this article is about.

There has been a few instances where the directors of local nonprofit organizations that operate in our communities have represented, by name, disinformation publicly. This has to stop. It all has to do with public money that belongs to the Province of Nova Scotia and can indeed be used for whatever our duly elected public officials believe best represents the residents of Nova Scotia. In this case I am talking about the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (OHVIF). The OHVIF is public money and the ATV Clubs are given access to this money as a privilege, not a right

The following image shows that the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (OHVIF) is public money and that elected officials have chosen to use it for trail construction and maintenance. Defunding these activities is always an option and this money could be redirected to food banks, libraries, museums, etc. If the clubs don't start showing respect to our communities and listening, we should consider this because public money should always benefit the public as a whole and not harm communities.

Example #1 (from HERE)

Signed by the following responsible Directors:

Judy Giovannetti

Mira Gut

(President, Isle Royale ATV Club)

Allister MacLean

(President, Marconi Trail Blazer ATV Club)

"Members of the two local clubs have managed to secure well over a $500,000 from the Off-highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund which is not government money."

From the image above, I declare this as disinformation and the directors should publicly apologize and clarify.  Directors of nonprofit organizations that receive public money should not be spreading disinformation like this, IMHO. Direct access to these funds is a privilege, not a right.

Example #2 (from HERE)

Signed by the following responsible (ex)Directors:

Dan Fraser


(Past president, Isle Royale ATV Club)

Allister MacLean

Glace Bay

(President Marconi Trail Blazers ATV Club)

"The provincial government does not provide money to all-terrain vehicles clubs for the extensive trail work carried out around the province. In fact, the money spent on the development and improvement of all-terrain vehicles trails comes directly out of the pockets of the owners of the ATVs."

Wrong! All money collected by law for the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (OHVIF) is indeed public money and it is absolutely provided by the provincial government. We can put this money elsewhere and see if they change their tune and show a little appreciation!

"Working together we have secured a half million dollars from the Off Highway Vehicle infrastructure fund. This is money collected from every registered ATV owner and not from the provincial government."

From the image above this is wrong because it is indeed public money from the province of Nova Scotia. It is collected from ATV owners like vehicle registration and licensing but is 100% public money graciously provided by the provincial government on behalf of all residents. If they don't appreciate it then let's use it elsewhere. Directors of nonprofit organizations that receive public money should not be spreading disinformation like this, IMHO. Direct access to these funds is a privilege, not a right.

Example #3 (from HERE)

Signed by the following responsible Directors:

Judy Giovannetti

Mira Gut

(President, Isle Royale ATV Club)

Allister MacLean

(President, Marconi Trail Blazer ATV Club)

"If he had done so, Dr. Urbaniak would have found out about information regarding the $50,000 the Glace Bay ATV club has requested from the Off Highway Vehicle infrastructure fund to assist with the placement of signage, bollards at all street crossings and required maintenance costs."

So they are not saying here that the $50,000 is not public money which is good because it is! They requested $50,000 in public money and it was graciously given to them. Direct access to these funds is a privilege, not a right.

"Dr. Urbaniak seems to be unaware that ATV owners who leave their own property must register the machine, carry PL & PD Insurance, practice proper trail etiquette and, of course, obey all posted signage."

Dr. Urbaniak is a respected community leader and I personally don't believe (nor do I like) that a local community organization that receives public money should disrespect fine upstanding residents like this. I can guarantee these directors that Tom Urbaniak is not "unaware". Maybe they should try listening closer to Dr. Urbaniak and the community as a whole.

Also, the information they are publicly disseminating here is misinformation and it may lead ATV riders to believe that they can drive their ATVs off their property if they have a permit and PL & PD insurance. This is not true and is indeed illegal. ATV riders are not permitted, by law, to drive their ATVs on any private or public property without explicit written permission or on the streets and sidewalks. Stating information like this could put their membership in a precarious legal situation and may nullify their insurance if they get in an accident during an illegal act. BTW, being on an ATV trail outside posted operating hours is also illegal.

So much public money is now being spent by police services, barriers and maintenance to accommodate a residential ATV Trail that was implemented under the watch of these two council members  without bringing it to council for a vote and without the knowledge or permission of the residents in their districts (for shame). There is also social harm, environmental harm, loss of quality of life, loss of residential property value (shown by historic evidence), well documented and correlated increased illegal infractions and increase in death an injury due to the promotion of a harmful industry in residential areas. All this for absolutely no value to the involved communities.

Do you know how this happened? Let me know in the comments.

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Joe Ward Follow Me
For clarity, the objective here was to explain that the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (OHVIF) is funded by the provincial government with fees sources from ATV owners—and that some ATV group executives haven’t been clear enough about the province’s role in collecting and distributing the money?
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