Reopen Louisbourg Gabarus Road

The Louisbourg Gabarus Road is considered one of the oldest roads in Nova Scotia and closed without discourse in the 1960's. A reopened link would restore the historical connection, open up new economic opportunities and rekindle cultural ties. Please check out the web site which has various articles on this closed road and what it could do for Cape Breton. Petition to reopen the road directed to the Prime Minister, the new federal infrastructure minister, Geoff Mclellan, Mayor Clark and Rodger Cuzner.

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Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Hi Joe Ward, I did something to your post. Sorry. you asked what the estimated startup cost would be? In 2008 it was estimated it would be 20 million. I'm unsure what that number would be today. Now the route chosen does not go along the traditional and more preferred route - and it should. I would think, that the cost of going along the traditional route would be less. We're hoping in the end, if the funding is found, it would go along the traditional route.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Very important: "According to Gardner Pinfold, completing the link - at an estimated cost of about $20-million - would be economically justified by increased tourist traffic and local usage. It could substantially boost visitor numbers at the fortress, which have sagged to about 95,000 annually. Of those tourists to Cape Breton who participated in Gardner Pinfold's survey and did not visit the fortress, 60 per cent said they would have done so if there were a more convenient route that did not involve backtracking."
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
The most recent figures have the number of tourists at 64 thousand in 2014, so I would think the economic impact would be even greater since the study indicated in 2008. Add to this the businesses that have closed after the study was completed - a reopened road would revitalize tourism and have these shuttered businesses opened and ready to serve new customers.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I really like the idea. Louisbourg is essentially a dead end, despite its main attraction being such a big draw. Are there any estimates of the average annual cost of maintenance over a 10 year period? Patching, and snow removal, other? It might be a hard sell, but it would be a good infrastructure project as well.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Yes, having the road closed made Louisbourg in effect a dead end destination - having to trace back the same way one entered. Sorry, but I have no figures on the cost of maintaining the road, but it is an important question. It would definitely be an important infrastructure project. Gabarus will have it's 300th anniversary next year. And the 150th anniversary of Canada will be in 2017. What a great way to celebrate these 2 events with a reopened road.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
CBC interview on information morning from today and web story.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Jan22, 2016
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
One thing to note is that the push is now on to reopen the former road from Kennington Cove to Oceanview. This is only 7 kms. It would be much cheaper than the 30 million plus that it would cost to put a new road in. Having the old road reopened would also retain the historical aspect that predates the French arriving in the 18th century when First Nations people would have used this road or trail.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Petition has gathered a further 200 signatures in the last 10 days. Facebook site is now at over 2700 likes.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Great interview by Carter Stevens on the importance of reopening the Louisbourg Gabarus Road:
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Recent interview with Tim Menk and Gene Kersey of Gabarus by CBC's George Mortimer on the reopening of the Louisbourg Gabarus road.

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