Love of genealogy leads to small business being born.

Rose MacDonald's hobby interest and work in roots/genealogy/family trees has led to the establishment of her own small business.

Rose has done extensive genealogical research for several local families resulting in beautifully produced family tree albums.

Although interest in family history research has blossomed into a huge industry in recent years the idea of someone locally providing such expertise in these services is definitely a niche market.

Rose’s Heritage/Roots Connections is based out of Inverness but because of the wonders of technology and an interconnected world she is able to provide her specialized skills to those in Cape Breton and beyond who wish to research and document their family history.

Four packages offered:

1) Roots Package (three generations starting with you)
2) One Branch (one side of family line)
3) Two Branch (two sides of family line)
4) Crown Package (all family members)

To discuss how Rose can provide you with a beautiful permanent record of your family tree call her at 902-258-3241.

You can also email her [email protected]

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Inverness woman's love of genealogy as a hobby leads to small business being born.
Directory Museums, Heritage, Libraries Location Inverness


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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Neat idea, best wishes with it!
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