Lower property taxes by diversifying revenue streams

Reduce Property Taxes by Diversifying Revenue - More on reducing our over reliance on property taxes

Copied from my website post: Reduce property taxes, diversify revenue

In order for CBRM to continue to grow and develop, we need increased revenue and lower property taxes. When 65% of our revenue comes from property taxes, this is hard to do. We can't reduce property taxes without negatively impacting municipal services unless we diversity our revenue streams.

CBRM can learn from Antigonish and Guysborough, two Nova Scotian communities where only 20% of their revenue relies on property taxes. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) Report "Building Inclusive Communities: A Policy Agenda for Nova Scotia Municipalities that Leaves No One Behind" draws on these communities successes and suggests policy alternatives for other NS communities to do the same.

“For most municipalities, relying so heavily on property tax revenue has put them in a fiscal straitjacket.”

Antigonish used federal grant programs to invest in windmills for their municipal-owned energy utility back in 2016. The incentives from senior levels of government are highest earlier into the launch. Funding applications are generally less competitive early in the program as well.

This is why it is so important for CBRM Council to take initiative and break away from the status quo. Elect Krys for Thoughtful Governance and Sustainable Solutions.

Some of the available funding/ initiatives and recent grants:

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